[−][src]Crate selenium_webdriver
The main purpose of this crate is to provide convinient ways to communicate with selenium server and write automated UI tests in Rust. To start using it, you need to have the selenium server running on localhost:4444 and chromedriver or geckodriver be present in your path
Actions | Main actions struct |
ActionsKeys | Struct to create the key actions sequence |
ActionsMouse | Struct to create the mouse actions sequence |
ActionsWheel | Struct to create the wheel actions sequence |
Browser | Main crate struct |
Capabilities | Utility struct to set up the session |
ChromeOptions | Utility struct to adjust the chrome browser session |
Cookie | Utility struct to manage session cookies |
Element | WebElement |
ElementRect | Encapsulates WebElement's hight,width and left-upper corner x-axis and y-axis coordinates |
FirefoxOptions | Utility struct to adjust the firefox browser session |
Margin | One of the PrintSettings fields |
MobileDevice | See the details at https://chromedriver.chromium.org/mobile-emulation |
Page | One of the PrintSettings fields |
PerfLoggingPrefs | An optional struct that specifies performance logging preferences |
PrintSettings | Main struct for print settings |
Proxy | Utility struct for session capabilities defining the proxy settings |
SafariOptions | Utility struct to adjust the safari browser session |
Timeouts | Utility struct to manage the session's implicit, page load and script timeouts |
WindowRect | Utility struct representing window height,width,x-axis and y-axis |
BrowserName | |
LocatorStrategy | |
LogLevel | |
MouseButton | |
NewWindowType | Needed to call the new_window method |
Orientation | Needed for the PrintSettings struct |
ProxyType | |
SpecialKey | Keyboard special keys |