Crate seed_keeper_core

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§Seed Keeper Core

Seed Keeper Core is a small Rust library for deriving and encrypting keys and seeds.

Uses Argon2, AES Key Encryption Keys,

  • Derive a key from username & password (salt & passphrase).
  • Generate a random seed that zeroizes memory by default.
  • Encrypt the seed with the key, and decrypt.

§Roundtrip Usage

use seed_keeper_core::{derive_key}; // the main purpose of this library
use seed_keeper_core::wrap::{encrypt, decrypt}; // utils to encrypt and decrypt the seed
use seed_keeper_core::seed::{Seed, rand_seed}; // utils to generate a random seed
use seed_keeper_core::Zeroizing;

// Generate a secure random seed of 32 bytes:
let seed = rand_seed();
assert_eq!(seed.len(), 32);

// Derive key material from a username (salt) and password:

let password = "some random words that you made up, for sure!".to_string();
let salt = b""; // Salt should be unique per password

let key = derive_key(&password, salt).unwrap();

         164, 103, 254, 113, 126, 241, 57, 240, 100, 56, 243, 125, 155, 224, 40, 242, 178,
         136, 222, 133, 220, 141, 127, 10, 88, 199, 181, 11, 241, 91, 149, 249

// Protect your new seed by encrypting it with the password and salt key:

let encrypted = encrypt(key.clone(), seed.clone()).unwrap();
let decrypted = decrypt(key.clone(), &encrypted).unwrap();
assert_eq!(*seed, *decrypted.as_slice());


  • Crate errors
  • Utilities for using secure Seeds
  • Encrypt by wrapping a key with AES Key Wrap Algorithm (RFC 3394)


  • Use Input if you want to persist state of the passphrase and salt.
  • Zeroizing is a a wrapper for any Z: Zeroize type which implements a Drop handler which zeroizes dropped values.



  • Generate output key material using Argon2 passwrod hashing Function generates a [Seed] directly from a password and salt