Crate seed_keeper_core

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Seed Keeper Core

Seed Keeper Core is a small Rust library for deriving and encrypting keys and seeds.

Uses Argon2, AES Key Encryption Keys,

  • Derive a key from username & password (salt & passphrase).
  • Generate a random seed that zeroizes memory by default.
  • Encrypt the seed with the key, and decrypt.

Roundtrip Usage

use seed_keeper_core::{derive_key}; // the main purpose of this library
use seed_keeper_core::{Secret, ExposeSecret}; // re-exports to use the derived key
use seed_keeper_core::wrap::{encrypt, decrypt}; // utils to encrypt and decrypt the seed
use seed_keeper_core::seed::{Seed, rand_seed}; // utils to generate a random seed

// Generate a secure random seed of 32 bytes:

let seed: Seed = rand_seed();
assert_eq!(seed.len(), 32);

// Derive key material from a username (salt) and password:

let password = "some random words that you made up, for sure!".to_string();
let salt = b""; // Salt should be unique per password

let key = derive_key(&password, salt).unwrap();

         164, 103, 254, 113, 126, 241, 57, 240, 100, 56, 243, 125, 155, 224, 40, 242, 178,
         136, 222, 133, 220, 141, 127, 10, 88, 199, 181, 11, 241, 91, 149, 249

// Protect your new seed by encrypting it with the password and salt key:

let encrypted = encrypt(
        (**key.expose_secret()).try_into().unwrap(), // Deref &Seed to [u8; 32]
let decrypted = decrypt((**key.expose_secret()).try_into().unwrap(), &encrypted);
assert_eq!(*seed, *decrypted.as_slice());


  • Utilities for using secure Seeds
  • Encrypt by wrapping a key with AES Key Wrap Algorithm (RFC 3394)


  • Use Input if you want to persist state of the passphrase and salt.
  • Wrapper type for values that contains secrets, which attempts to limit accidental exposure and ensure secrets are wiped from memory when dropped. (e.g. passwords, cryptographic keys, access tokens or other credentials)
  • Instance of [BytesMut] protected by a type that impls the ExposeSecret trait like Secret<T>.
  • Zeroizing is a a wrapper for any Z: Zeroize type which implements a Drop handler which zeroizes dropped values.




  • Generate output key material using Argon2 passwrod hashing Function generates a Seed directly from a password and salt