Module seamless::api[][src]

A router implementation that can handle requests in a type safe way, while also allowing information about the routes, route descriptions and expected input and output types to be automatically generated from it.



The entry point; you can create an instance of this and then add API routes to it using Self::add(). You can then get information about the routes that have been added using Self::info(), or handle an http::Request using Self::handle().


A representation of some type, including its description and shape. This is given back for anything which implements the crate::ApiBody trait, and is automatically generated if one uses the crate::ApiBody macro on some type.


This represents an API error that is returned from the API.


Add a new API route by providing a description (optional but encouraged) and then a handler function.


Information about a single route.



An enum representing the shape of the JSON that is provided or output from the API. There is a straightforward mapping from this to TypeScript types.


A route is either not found, or we attempted to run it and ran into an issue.



Any type that implements this trait can be described in terms of ApiBodyInfo, and can potentially also be serialized or deserizlied from JSON.

Attribute Macros


Use this macro to generate serde Serialize/Deserialize impls in addition to an ApiBody impl that can hand back information about the shape of the type.

Derive Macros


Use this macro to generate an Into<ApiError> implementation for your custom error type. Your custom error type needs to implement Debug and Display in order to derive ApiError. Display in particular determines what the error message will be. You can then use attribtues to set the status code, and decide on whether the error message will be internal-only or external.