Crate sd_jwt_payload

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  • Construct a serde_json::Value from a JSON literal.


  • Represents an elements constructing a disclosure. Object properties and array elements disclosures are supported.
  • Claims set for key binding JWT.
  • Represents a JSON key/value type.
  • Representation of an SD-JWT of the format <Issuer-signed JWT>~<Disclosure 1>~<Disclosure 2>~...~<Disclosure N>~<optional KB-JWT>.
  • Substitutes digests in an SD-JWT object by their corresponding plain text values provided by disclosures.
  • Transforms a JSON object into an SD-JWT object by substituting selected values with their corresponding disclosure digests.
  • An implementation of Hasher that uses the sha-256 hash function.




  • Used to implement hash functions to be used for encoding/decoding.

Type Aliases§