Crate scsys_core

source ·



The asynchronous configuration builder.
A configuration builder


Represents all possible errors that can occur when working with configuration.



Quickly derive elligible naming schematics for the desired structure
Interface for time-related data-structures


This function converts the file found at path (fp) into a Vec
Simple function wrapper evaluating the claim that the given information is of type f64

Type Definitions

Type alias for a boxed standard error
Type alias for a boxed error with send, sync, and static flags enabled
Type alias for the standard result used
Type alias for config::File
Type alias for a collection of crate::ConfigFile
Type alias for a configuration result
Type alias for the default timestamp
Type alias for the default timezone, chrono::Utc
Type alias for std::collections::HashMap defaulting to a (String, String) type
Type alias of a result implementing the BaseError
Type alias for a stateful hash map