
pub use bson;
pub use chrono;
pub use config;



The asynchronous configuration builder.

A configuration builder

Implement the standard structure of a state


Represents all possible errors that can occur when working with configuration.

Captures the different ids allowed throughout the ecosystem

A collection of time-related data structures


A data structure that can be deserialized from any data format supported by Serde.

A data structure that can be serialized into any data format supported by Serde.


Type Definitions

Type alias for a boxed standard error

Type alias of a result implementing the super::BaseError

Type alias for a common block hash

Type alias for a common block id

Type alias for a common block nonce

Type alias for a batch of transactions for a block as an array of type (T) and size 16

Type alias for a common block timestamp

Type alias for a common block timezone

Type alias for a boxed error with send, sync, and static flags enabled

Type alias for the standard result used

Type alias for config::File

Type alias for a collection of crate::ConfigFile

Type alias for the default timestamp

Type alias for the default timezone, chrono::Utc

Type alias for an std::collections::HashMap with a String key and variable value

Type alias for std::io::Result

Derive Macros