Crate scrypto_compiler

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  • Programmatic implementation of Scrypto compiler which is a wrapper around rust cargo tool. To create an instance of ScryptoCompiler use builder() constructor which implements builder pattern, provide any required parameter @see ScryptoCompilerInputParams and finally call compile() function. ScryptoCompiler supports worspace compilation by providing workspace manifest as manifest_path parameter of running compiler from directory containg workspace Cargo.toml file. Only packages with defined metadata group: [package.metadata.scrypto] will be used during workspace compilation (so workspace manifest can contain also non Scrypto packages). Alternativelly packages for workspace compilation can be provided in package input parameter, metadata is not validated in that case. Compilation results consists of list of BuildArtifacts which contains generated WASM file path and its content and path to RPD file with package definition and PackageDefinition struct.
