Trait scroll::Cread

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pub trait Cread<Ctx, I = usize>: Index<I> + Index<RangeFrom<I>>
where Ctx: Copy,
{ // Provided methods fn cread_with<N: FromCtx<Ctx, <Self as Index<RangeFrom<I>>>::Output>>( &self, offset: I, ctx: Ctx ) -> N { ... } fn cread<N: FromCtx<Ctx, <Self as Index<RangeFrom<I>>>::Output>>( &self, offset: I ) -> N where Ctx: Default { ... } }
Expand description

Core-read - core, no_std friendly trait for reading basic traits from byte buffers. Cannot fail unless the buffer is too small, in which case an assert fires and the program panics.

If your type implements FromCtx then you can cread::<YourType>(offset).


use scroll::{ctx, Cread, LE};

struct Bar {
    foo: i32,
    bar: u32,

impl ctx::FromCtx<scroll::Endian> for Bar {
    fn from_ctx(bytes: &[u8], ctx: scroll::Endian) -> Self {
        use scroll::Cread;
        Bar { foo: bytes.cread_with(0, ctx), bar: bytes.cread_with(4, ctx) }

let bytes = [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xef,0xbe,0xad,0xde,];
let bar = bytes.cread_with::<Bar>(0, LE);
// Remember that you need to copy out fields from packed structs
// with a `{}` block instead of borrowing them directly
// ref:
assert_eq!({}, -1);
assert_eq!({}, 0xdeadbeef);

Provided Methods§


fn cread_with<N: FromCtx<Ctx, <Self as Index<RangeFrom<I>>>::Output>>( &self, offset: I, ctx: Ctx ) -> N

Reads a value from Self at offset with ctx. Cannot fail. If the buffer is too small for the value requested, this will panic.

use scroll::{Cread, BE, LE};
use std::i64::MAX;

let bytes = [0x7f,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff, 0xef,0xbe,0xad,0xde,];
let foo = bytes.cread_with::<i64>(0, BE);
let bar = bytes.cread_with::<u32>(8, LE);
assert_eq!(foo, MAX);
assert_eq!(bar, 0xdeadbeef);

fn cread<N: FromCtx<Ctx, <Self as Index<RangeFrom<I>>>::Output>>( &self, offset: I ) -> N
where Ctx: Default,

Reads a value implementing FromCtx from Self at offset, with the target machine’s endianness. For the primitive types, this will be the target machine’s endianness.

use scroll::Cread;

let bytes = [0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xef,0xbe,0x00,0x00,];
let foo = bytes.cread::<i64>(0);
let bar = bytes.cread::<u32>(8);
#[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
assert_eq!(foo, 1);
#[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
assert_eq!(foo, 0x100_0000_0000_0000);

#[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
assert_eq!(bar, 0xbeef);
#[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
assert_eq!(bar, 0xefbe0000);

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<Ctx: Copy, I, R: ?Sized + Index<I> + Index<RangeFrom<I>>> Cread<Ctx, I> for R