Crate scratchstack_aws_signature

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The aws_sig_verify crate provides AWS SigV4 verification routines. This is not the library you want if you just want to call AWS services or other services that use AWS SigV4 signatures. Rusoto already has a library, rusoto_signature, that provides this functionality.

If you are attempting to perform AWS SigV4 verification using AWS-vended credentials, this library also will not work for you. You need the caller’s secret key (or a derivative), and AWS does not allow this for obvious reasons. Instead, you should be using API Gateway with IAM authentication.

On the other hand, if you have your own ecosystem of AWS-like credentials and are developing mock-AWS services or just really like AWS SigV4 but can’t run within AWS, this library might be for you.


This assumes you have a complete HTTP request (headers and body) already. As a result, you may not be able to implement this as a middleware layer for a web server—those typically only provide the headers. Having the body is required for almost all modes of AWS SigV4.

The typical workflow is:

  1. Convert an HTTP Request object into a scratchstack Request object.
  2. Create a GetSigningKeyRequest from this Request.
  3. Call your service to obtain the principal and signing key for this request.
  4. Verify the request using sigv4_verify or sigv4_verify_at.


use chrono::{DateTime, NaiveDate, NaiveDateTime, NaiveTime, Utc};
use http::Request;
use scratchstack_aws_principal::PrincipalActor;
use scratchstack_aws_signature::{
    Request as SigRequest, SigningKey, SigningKeyKind, get_signing_key_fn, sigv4_verify_at,
use std::error::Error;
use tower::Service;

const ACCOUNT_ID: &str = "123456789012";
const PARTITION: &str = "aws";
const PATH: &str = "/engineering/";
const REGION: &str = "us-east-1";
const SERVICE: &str = "example";
const USER_NAME: &str = "user";

// The date for which the signature calculation was made.
const TEST_TIMESTAMP: DateTime<Utc> = DateTime::<Utc>::from_naive_utc_and_offset(
        NaiveDate::from_ymd(2021, 1, 1),
        NaiveTime::from_hms(0, 0, 0)),

// This is a mock function that returns a static secret key converted into the requested type
// of signing key. For actual use, you would call out to a database or other service to obtain
// a signing key.
async fn get_signing_key(
    kind: SigningKeyKind,
    access_key: String,
    _session_token: Option<String>,
    req_date: NaiveDate,
    region: String,
    service: String)
-> Result<(PrincipalActor, SigningKey), Box<(dyn Error + Send + Sync)>> {
    assert!(access_key == ACCESS_KEY);
    let signing_key = SigningKey {
        kind: SigningKeyKind::KSecret,
        key: SECRET_KEY.as_bytes().to_vec()
    let signing_key = signing_key.try_derive(kind, &req_date, &region, &service)?;
    let principal = PrincipalActor::user(PARTITION, ACCOUNT_ID, PATH, USER_NAME, USER_ID)?;
    Ok((principal, signing_key))

// Normally this would come from your web framework.
let req = Request::get("")
    .header("Host", "")
    .header("X-Amz-Date", "20210101T000000Z")
    .header("Authorization", "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 \
Credential=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE/20210101/us-east-1/example/aws4_request, \
SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-date, \

// Extract the header parts; the body is not used in this example.
let parts = req.into_parts().0;

// Convert this into a scratchstack Request.
let sig_req = SigRequest::from_http_request_parts(&parts, None);

// Create a request to obtain a signing key. Here, we're asking for a SigningKeyKing::KSigning
// key type which is the most secure; if the key is leaked, an attacker can only sign requests
// for the given date, region, and service.
let get_signing_key_req = sig_req.to_get_signing_key_request(
    SigningKeyKind::KSigning, REGION, SERVICE).unwrap();
let (_principal, signing_key) = get_signing_key_fn(get_signing_key)

// Normally you would use `sigv4_verify` instead of `sigv4_verify_at`.
// We're pinning this to a specific date for testing purposes.
sigv4_verify_at(&sig_req, &signing_key, &TEST_TIMESTAMP, None, REGION, SERVICE).unwrap();


  • A wrapper for a function that retrieves a signing key.
  • A request for retrieving a signing key from an outside source.
  • A data structure containing the elements of the request (some client-supplied, some service-supplied) involved in the SigV4 verification process.
  • An AWS SigV4 key for signing requests.



  • A trait bound that describes how we obtain a signing key of a given type given a request. If you need to encapsulate additional data (e.g. a database connection) to look up a key, use this to implement a struct.


  • Normalizes the specified URI path, removing redundant slashes and relative path components.
  • Wrap an async function taking a signing request and returns a result into a GetSigningKey trait implementation.
  • Indicates whether the specified byte is RFC3986 unreserved – i.e., can be represented without being percent-encoded, e.g. '?' -> '%3F'.
  • Normalize the query parameters by normalizing the keys and values of each parameter and return a HashMap mapping each key to a vector of values (since it is valid for a query parameters to appear multiple times).
  • Normalize the path component according to RFC 3986. This performs the following operations:
  • Return the expected signature for a request.
  • Verify a SigV4 request. This verifies that the request timestamp is not beyond the allowed timestamp mismatch against the current time, and that the request signature matches our expected signature.
  • Verify a SigV4 request at a particular point-in-time. This verifies that the request timestamp is not beyond the allowed timestamp mismatch against the specified point-in-time, and that the request signature matches our expected signature.