Crate scratchpad [] [src]

Stack-like dynamic memory pool with double-ended allocation support.

Table of Contents


Scratchpad provides a method for quick and safe dynamic allocations of arbitrary types without relying on the global heap (e.g. using Box or Vec). Allocations are made from a fixed-size region of memory in a stack-like fashion using two separate stacks (one for each end of the allocation buffer) to allow different types of allocations with possibly overlapping lifecycles to be made from each end.

General Usage

Groups of allocations are partitioned using Marker objects. Markers can be set at the front or back of a scratchpad. Allocations can be made from either a front or back marker as long as it is the most-recently created active marker of that type (e.g. creating and allocating from a back marker still allows you to allocate from the most recent front marker, but creating a new front marker blocks allocations from previous front markers until the newer front marker is dropped).

No memory is actually freed until the marker is dropped (although an item's Drop implementation is still called if necessary when the allocation is dropped). Markers can be dropped in any order, but the memory is not made available for reuse until any subsequently set markers of the same type (front versus back) have also been dropped. This behavior allows allocations and frees to be performed relatively quickly.

Additional Functionality

Aside from general memory management routines, the crate also provides a few additional features:

Use Cases

Some cases for which Scratchpad can be useful include:

  • Short-term dynamic allocations. A function may need to allocate a variable amount of memory for a relatively short amount of time. Rust currently does not provide anything analogous to the alloca() function in C (which also has its own pitfalls), and using the global heap can be slow and introduce fragmentation if other allocations are made before the short-term allocation is freed. Additionally, if each thread has its own scratchpad, overhead incurred from synchronization between threads can be eliminated.
  • Grouped allocation lifecycles. Some applications may incorporate some cycle in which they allocate an arbitrary amount of data that can be freed all at once after some period of time. One such case is with video games, where static data for a level may be allocated and persist only for the duration in which the level is active. Such allocations can be made by setting a marker for the level and dropping it when the level is unloaded. Other allocations with overlapping lifecycles, such as those persisting across levels, or temporary allocations needed while loading into one end of the scratchpad, can also be set at the other end of the same scratchpad at the same time.

Crate Features

The following optional features can be set when building this crate:

  • std: Allows Box to be used as the storage type for allocations and marker tracking. Enabled by default; can be disabled to build the crate with #![no_std].
  • unstable: Enables unstable toolchain features (requires a nightly compiler). Disabled by default. Enabling this feature includes:
    • ByteData trait implementations for u128/i128.
    • Declaration of the function Scratchpad::new() as const.
    • Support for using Box as the storage type for allocations and marker tracking, regardless of whether the std feature is enabled (alloc library is used if std is disabled).


Applications can create per-thread scratchpads for temporary allocations using thread-local variables, reducing fragmentation of the global memory heap and improving performance. The following example shows how one might use temporary storage to interface with a third-party library within some abstraction layer:

extern crate scratchpad;

use scratchpad::{CacheAligned, Scratchpad};
use scratchpad::uninitialized_boxed_slice_for_bytes;
use std::mem::{size_of, uninitialized};
use std::os::raw::c_void;

/// Thread-local scratchpad size, in bytes (1 MB).
const THREAD_LOCAL_SCRATCHPAD_SIZE: usize = 1024 * 1024;
/// Maximum thread-local scratchpad allocation marker count.

/// Buffer type for thread-local scratchpad allocations. By using
/// `CacheAligned`, we avoid false sharing of cache lines between threads.
type ThreadLocalScratchBuffer = Box<[CacheAligned]>;

/// Buffer type for tracking of thread-local scratchpad markers (each
/// marker requires a `usize` value).
type ThreadLocalScratchTracking = array_type_for_markers!(

thread_local! {
    /// Thread-local scratchpad. The initial contents of the allocation
    /// buffer and marker tracking buffer are ignored, so we can create
    /// them as uninitialized.
    pub static THREAD_LOCAL_SCRATCHPAD: Scratchpad<
    > = unsafe { Scratchpad::new(
    ) };

/// Rust bindings for part of some fictional third-party API written in
/// C/C++.
pub mod libfoo {
    use std::os::raw::c_void;

    pub enum SequenceType {

    #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
    pub enum SequenceResult {

    pub struct SequenceParameters {
        pub data_type: SequenceType,
        pub data_count: usize,
        pub data: *const c_void,

    pub unsafe extern "C" fn process_sequences(
        sequence_count: usize,
        sequences: *const SequenceParameters,
    ) -> SequenceResult {
        // ...

/// Our abstraction of `libfoo::process_sequences()`, in which we only
/// ever work with `f32` data.
pub fn process_float_sequences<I, E, S>(
    sequences: I,
) -> Result<libfoo::SequenceResult, scratchpad::Error<()>>
    I: IntoIterator<Item = S, IntoIter = E>,
    E: ExactSizeIterator<Item = S>,
    S: AsRef<[f32]>,
    THREAD_LOCAL_SCRATCHPAD.with(|scratchpad| {
        // We need an array of `libfoo::SequenceParameters` structs for
        // the call to `libfoo::process_sequences()`.
        let mut sequences = sequences.into_iter();
        let sequences_len = sequences.len();

        let marker = scratchpad.mark_front()?;
        let foo_sequences = marker.allocate_array_with(
            |index| {
                let data =;
                let data_ref = data.as_ref();
                libfoo::SequenceParameters {
                    data_type: libfoo::SequenceType::Float,
                    data_count: data_ref.len(),
                    data: data_ref.as_ptr() as *const c_void,

        Ok(unsafe { libfoo::process_sequences(
        ) })

        // The marker is dropped as it goes out of scope, freeing the
        // allocated memory.

fn main() {
    let sequence_a = [2.22f32, 9.99f32, -1234.56f32];
    let sequence_b = [-1.0f32, 8.8f32, 27.0f32, 0.03f32];
    let sequence_c = [88.0f32];
    let sequences = [&sequence_a[..], &sequence_b[..], &sequence_c[..]];

Memory Management

Buffer Types

The backing data structures used for allocation storage and marker tracking are declared in the generic parameters of the Scratchpad type. This allows a fair degree of control over the memory usage of the scratchpad itself.

The allocation storage type is provided by the BufferT generic parameter, which is constrained by the Buffer trait. Allocation storage must be a contiguous region of memory, such as a static array, boxed slice, or mutable slice reference. Array element types are constrained to types that implement the ByteData trait; by default, this only includes basic integer types and the CacheAligned struct provided by this crate.

The marker tracking buffer type is provided by the TrackingT generic parameter, which is constrained by the Tracking trait. This type must allow storage and retrieval of a fixed number of usize values. Unlike Buffer, there is no restriction on how the values are stored so long as they can be set and subsequently retrieved by index. Any type implementing Buffer also implements Tracking by default.

Macros and Functions for Handling Buffers

Writing out the math needed to determine the number of elements needed for an array or boxed slice of a specific byte capacity or marker tracking capacity can be tedious and error-prone. This crate provides some macros and functions to help reduce the amount of work needed for declaring buffers based on their byte capacity or marker capacity:

Some lower level macros and functions are also available if needed:

Data Alignment

Scratchpad properly handles the alignment requirements of allocated objects by padding the offset of the allocation within the allocation buffer. This can result in some amount of wasted space if mixing allocations of types that have different alignment requirements. This waste can be minimized if necessary by grouping allocations based on their alignment requirements or by using separate scratchpads for different alignments.

Buffer and Tracking Alignments

The alignment of the allocation buffer and marker tracking themselves are determined by the element type of the corresponding slice or array used, as specified by the generic parameters of the Scratchpad type and the parameters of Scratchpad::new(). If the alignment of the buffer itself doesn't match the alignment needed for the first allocation made, the allocation will be offset from the start of the buffer as needed, resulting in wasted space.

To avoid this, use an element type for the buffer's slice or array that provides at least the same alignment as that which will be needed for allocations. For most types, a slice or array of u64 elements should provide sufficient alignment to avoid any initial wasted space.

Allocations that require non-standard alignments may require defining a custom ByteData type with an appropriate #[repr(align)] attribute to avoid any wasted space at the start of the allocation buffer. For example, a Scratchpad guaranteeing a minimum initial alignment of 16 bytes for SIMD allocations can be created as follows:

use std::mem::uninitialized;
use scratchpad::{ByteData, Scratchpad};

struct Aligned16([u32; 4]);

unsafe impl ByteData for Aligned16 {}

let scratchpad = Scratchpad::<[Aligned16; 1024], [usize; 4]>::new(
    unsafe { uninitialized() },
    unsafe { uninitialized() },

Alignment of Allocated Arrays

When allocating a dynamically sized array from a Marker (i.e. using one of the allocate_array*() methods), the array is only guaranteed to be aligned based on the requirements of the element type. This means that, for example, it is unsafe to use an array of u8 values as a buffer in which f32 values will be written to or read from directly. It is strongly recommended that you only use arrays allocated from a marker as the element type specified, or that the array is allocated using an element type whose alignment is at least as large as the data it will contain.

Cache Alignment

Applications may prefer to keep data aligned to cache lines to avoid performance issues (e.g. multiple cache line loads for data crossing cache line boundaries, false sharing). The crate provides a simple data type, CacheAligned, that can be used as the backing type for both allocation buffers and marker tracking. Simply providing an array or slice of CacheAligned objects instead of a built-in integer type will help ensure cache alignment of the buffer. The size of a single CacheAligned element will always match its alignment.

This crate uses 64 bytes as the assumed cache line alignment, regardless of the build target. While the actual cache line alignment can vary between processors, 64 bytes is generally assumed to be a "safe" target. This value is exported in the CACHE_ALIGNMENT constant for applications that wish to reference it.

Memory Overhead

Creating a marker requires a single usize value (4 bytes on platforms using 32-bit pointers, 8 bytes if using 64-bit pointers) within the scratchpad's tracking buffer. When using a slice or array for marker tracking, this memory is allocated up-front, so the footprint of the Scratchpad does not change after the scratchpad is created.

Each Marker instance itself contains a reference back to its Scratchpad and its index within the scratchpad. This comes out to 8 bytes on platforms with 32-bit pointers and 16 bytes on platforms with 64-bit pointers.

Individual allocations have effectively no overhead. Each Allocation instance itself only contains a pointer to its data, whose size can vary depending on whether a fat pointer is necessary (such as for dynamically sized arrays allocated using one of the allocate_array*() marker methods).


  • Due to a lack of support in Rust for generically implementing traits for any size of a static array of a given type, the Buffer trait (and, by association, Tracking trait) is only implemented for a limited number of array sizes. Mutable slice references and boxed slices do not have this restriction, so they can be used for unsupported array sizes.
  • Using large static arrays as buffers can cause the program stack to overflow while creating a scratchpad, particularly in debug builds. Using Scratchpad::static_new() instead of Scratchpad::new() can help avoid such issues, and using either boxed slices or slice references of externally owned arrays for storage can help avoid such issues entirely.

Mutability Notes

Scratchpad uses internal mutability when allocating and freeing memory, with allocation methods operating on immutable Scratchpad and Marker references. This is necessary to cleanly allow for multiple concurrent allocations, as Rust's mutable borrowing restrictions would otherwise prevent such behavior. Allocation and free operations do not have any side effect on other existing allocations, so there are no special considerations necessary by the user.



Returns the minimum number of elements of a given type necessary for storage of a given byte count. The actual supported byte count may be larger due to padding.


Returns the minimum number of elements of a given type necessary for tracking of at least the specified number of allocation markers. The actual supported marker count may be larger due to padding.


Declares a static array of the specified element type that is large enough for storage of a given byte count. The actual supported byte count may be larger due to padding.


Declares a static array of the specified element type that is large enough for storage of at least the specified number of allocation markers. The actual supported marker count may be larger due to padding.


Creates a CacheAligned instance whose contents are zeroed-out.


Creates an array of zeroed-out CacheAligned values large enough for storage of the given byte count. The actual supported byte count may be larger due to padding.


Creates an array of zeroed-out CacheAligned values large enough for storage of at least the specified number of allocation markers. The actual supported marker count may be larger due to padding.



Scratchpad Marker allocation.


Cache-aligned storage for Buffer and Tracking use.


The error type for scratchpad operations.


Scratchpad marker for allocations from the back of the allocation buffer.


Scratchpad marker for allocations from the front of the allocation buffer.


Stack-like dynamic memory pool with double-ended allocation support.



Categories of errors during scratchpad operations.



Assumed cache line byte alignment.



Trait for Scratchpad buffer types.


Trait for types that can be safely used as the backing data type for storage of arbitrary data.


Extension of the [SliceLike] trait used to mark DSTs for which concatenation can safely be performed by concatenating the underlying slice type.


Trait for safely converting an Allocation of a given type into a slice allocation without losing or altering any of the allocation data.


Scratchpad allocation marker implementation trait.


Trait for types containing ranges of values that can be safely moved out while consuming the original container type.


Trait for dynamically sized types that wrap some slice type.


Buffer sub-trait for static arrays.


Trait for Scratchpad allocation tracking containers.



Returns the size of a type in bytes.


Returns a boxed slice of a given length whose data is uninitialized.


Returns a boxed slice of uninitialized data large enough to hold at least the specified number of bytes.


Returns a boxed slice of uninitialized data large enough for tracking of at least the specified number of allocation markers.