Expand description
This crate provides Java-like Scanners which can parse primitive types and strings using UTF-8 or ASCII.
§Scan a stream
or ScannerAscii
can be used for reading strings or raw data from a stream.
use std::io::{self, Write};
use scanner_rust::ScannerAscii;
print!("Please input two integers, a and b: ");
let mut sc = ScannerAscii::new(io::stdin());
let a = {
loop {
match sc.next_isize() {
Ok(i) => break i.unwrap_or(0),
Err(_) => {
print!("Re-input a: ");
let b = {
loop {
match sc.next_isize() {
Ok(i) => break i.unwrap_or(0),
Err(_) => {
print!("Re-input b: ");
println!("{} + {} = {}", a, b, a + b);
Besides, the drop_next
and drop_next_line
methods are useful when you want to skip some data.
The default buffer size is 256 bytes. If you want to change that, you can use the new2
associated function or the scan_path2
associated function and define a length explicitly to create an instance of the above structs.
For example, to change the buffer size to 64 bytes,
use scanner_rust::generic_array::typenum::U64;
use scanner_rust::Scanner;
let mut sc: Scanner<_, U64> = Scanner::scan_path2("Cargo.toml").unwrap();
§Scan a string slice (&str
can be used for reading strings from a string slice.
use std::io::{self, Write};
use scanner_rust::ScannerStr;
let mut sc = ScannerStr::new(" 123 456.7 \t\r\n\n c中文字\n\tHello world!");
assert_eq!(Some(123), sc.next_u8().unwrap());
assert_eq!(Some(456.7), sc.next_f64().unwrap());
assert_eq!(Some(' '), sc.next_char().unwrap());
assert_eq!(Some(' '), sc.next_char().unwrap());
assert_eq!(true, sc.skip_whitespaces().unwrap());
assert_eq!(Some('c'), sc.next_char().unwrap());
assert_eq!(Some("中文字"), sc.next_line().unwrap());
assert_eq!(Some("\tHello world!".into()), sc.next_line().unwrap());
assert_eq!(None, sc.next_line().unwrap());
§Scan a u8 slice
or ScannerU8SliceAscii
can be used for reading raw data from a u8
use std::io::{self, Write};
use scanner_rust::ScannerU8Slice;
let mut sc = ScannerU8Slice::new(" 123 456.7 \t\r\n\n c中文字\n\tHello world!".as_bytes());
assert_eq!(Some(123), sc.next_u8().unwrap());
assert_eq!(Some(456.7), sc.next_f64().unwrap());
assert_eq!(Some(' '), sc.next_char().unwrap());
assert_eq!(Some(' '), sc.next_char().unwrap());
assert_eq!(true, sc.skip_whitespaces().unwrap());
assert_eq!(Some('c'), sc.next_char().unwrap());
assert_eq!(Some("中文字".as_bytes()), sc.next_line().unwrap());
assert_eq!(Some("\tHello world!".as_bytes()), sc.next_line().unwrap());
assert_eq!(None, sc.next_line().unwrap());
pub extern crate generic_array;
- Scanner
- A simple text scanner which can parse primitive types and strings using UTF-8.
- Scanner
Ascii - A simple text scanner which can parse primitive types and strings using ASCII.
- Scanner
Str - A simple text scanner which can in-memory-ly parse primitive types and strings using UTF-8 from a string slice.
- Scanner
U8Slice - A simple text scanner which can in-memory-ly parse primitive types and strings using UTF-8 from a byte slice.
- Scanner
U8Slice Ascii - A simple text scanner which can in-memory-ly parse primitive types and strings using ASCII from a byte slice.
- Scanner
Error - The possible errors of