Module scaleway_api_rs::apis::nodes_api[][src]


struct for typed errors of method get_node

struct for typed errors of method list_nodes

struct for typed errors of method reboot_node

struct for typed errors of method replace_node


This method allows to get details about a specific Kubernetes node.

This method allows to list all the existing nodes for a specific Kubernetes cluster.

This method allows to reboot a specific node. This node will frist be cordoned, meaning that scheduling will be disabled. Then the existing pods on the node will be drained and reschedule onto another schedulable node. Note that when there is not enough space to reschedule all the pods (in a one node cluster for instance), you may experience some disruption of your applications.

This method allows to replace a specific node. The node will be set cordoned, meaning that scheduling will be disabled. Then the existing pods on the node will be drained and reschedule onto another schedulable node. Then the node will be deleted, and a new one will be created after the deletion. Note that when there is not enough space to reschedule all the pods (in a one node cluster for instance), you may experience some disruption of your applications.