Crate scaffolding_core

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Object-oriented programming (OOP) has been around since the 1960s and was first introduced in the late 1950s in artificial intelligence by an MMIT group. It is no wonder then that over the years, the concept of objects being represented by classes and attributes with inheritanted behavior.

Rust addresses this design by providing structures, traits, and implementations. However, the native ability to extend a class (like in other languages) makes OOP a bit of a challenge. To address this gap, Scaffolding utilizes Rust’s procedural macros to mimic the ability to
extend a class - both data structure and behavior.

§Scaffolding Concept

  1. A class that extends the “Scaffolding class” should inherate all the “parent” data structure and behavior, as well as append the “child” specific data structure and behavior from the generic type being extended.
  2. The developer should have the flexibility to adopt the default “parent” characteristics or overwrite them as desired.
  3. There are common class attributes that are required in order to manage it using CRUD
  • id - The unique identifier of the object.
  • created_dtm - The unix epoch (UTC) representation of when the object was created
  • modified_dtm - The unix epoch (UTC) representation of when the object was last updated
  • inactive_dtm - The unix epoch (UTC) representation of when the object was/will be considered obsolete
  • expired_dtm - The unix epoch (UTC) representation of when the object was/will be ready for deletion
  • activity - The list of actions performed on the object
  1. There is common class behaviors that are required in order to manage it using CRUD
  • The id is not optional. It must be either provided or automatically generated during instantiation. This can be done by calling the Scaffolding trait’s id() method
  • The created_dtm is not optional. It must be either provided or automatically generated during instantiation. This can be done by calling one of the Scaffolding trait’s many datetime related methods, (e.g.: now())
  • The modified_dtm is not optional. It must be either provided or automatically generated during instantiation or updates to the object. This can be done by calling one of the Scaffolding trait’s many datetime related methods, (e.g.: now())
  • The inactive_dtm is not optional. It must be either provided or automatically generated during instantiation or updates to the object. This can be done by calling one of the Scaffolding trait’s many datetime related methods, (e.g.: add_months() in conjuctions with now())
  • The expire_dtm is not optional. It must be either provided or automatically generated during instantiation or updates to the object. This can be done by calling one of the Scaffolding trait’s many datetime related methods, (e.g.: never())
  • The activity is required and by default is an empty list of activity


Add Scaffolding to a struct and impl ::new() using macros and defaults

extern crate scaffolding_core;

use scaffolding_core::*;

// (1) Define the structure - Required
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize, Scaffolding)]
struct MyEntity {
    a: bool,
    b: String,

impl MyEntity {
    // (2) Define the constructor - Optional
    //     Note: Any of the Scaffodling attributes that are set here
    //           will not be overwritten when generated. For example
    //           the `id` attribute, if uncommented, would be ignored.
    fn new(arg: bool) -> Self {
        let msg = format!("You said it is {}", arg);
        Self {
            // id: "my unique identitifer".to_string(),
            a: arg,
            b: msg

    fn my_func(&self) -> String {
        "my function".to_string()

let mut entity = MyEntity::new(true);

/* scaffolding attributes */
assert_eq!(, "54324f57-9e6b-4142-b68d-1d4c86572d0a".len());
assert_eq!(entity.created_dtm, defaults::now());
assert_eq!(entity.modified_dtm, defaults::now());
// becomes inactive in 90 days
assert_eq!(entity.inactive_dtm, defaults::add_days(defaults::now(), 90));
// expires in 3 years
assert_eq!(entity.expired_dtm, defaults::add_years(defaults::now(), 3));

/* serialization */
let json_string = entity.serialize();
println!("{}", json_string);

/* use the activity log functionality  */
// (1) Log an activity
entity.log_activity("cancelled".to_string(), "The customer has cancelled their service".to_string());
// (2) Get activities
assert_eq!(entity.get_activity("cancelled".to_string()).len(), 1);

// extended attributes
assert_eq!(entity.a, true);
assert_eq!(entity.b, "You said it is true");

// extended behavior
assert_eq!(entity.my_func(), "my function");


The defaults module provides the methods for creating deafult values for the Scaffolding common attributes


Supporting Classes
An ordered map based on a B-Tree.


The core behavior of a Scaffolding object
The addresses behavior of a Scaffolding object
The email address behavior of a Scaffolding object
The notes behavior of a Scaffolding object
The phone number behavior of a Scaffolding object
The tagging behavior of a Scaffolding object

Attribute Macros§

Modifies the following functions
Modifying a struct

Derive Macros§

Implementing the Traits