Crate scad_tree

Expand description

The scad_tree library is a library for generating OpenSCAD code from Rust.

Notes on usage:

  • 2D profiles for non-OpenSCAD functions/macros are specified by points in clockwise order.
  • Polyhedron faces are specified in clockwise order.



  • Module for the creation of 2D profiles and curves.
  • Module for the creation of 3D curves and polyhedrons.
  • Module for metric threaded rod, nuts and bolts.
  • Module for quickly importing library types and macros.



  • Wraps a Vec<u64>.
  • Holds the data for the Mersenne Twister algorithm.
  • A matrix with column major order.
  • Paths wrap a Vec<Indices>.
  • A 2D point.
  • A 3D point.
  • A 4D point.
  • Wraps a Vec<Pt2>.
  • Wraps a Vec<Pt3>.
  • Wraps a Vec<Pt4>.
  • A tree of OpenSCAD operations.
  • Text macro parameters
  • Viewer struct is used to view points, edges, and curves in OpenSCAD.



Type Aliases§