Enum sbp::Sbp

source ·
pub enum Sbp {
Show 224 variants MsgPrintDep(MsgPrintDep), MsgTrackingStateDetailedDep(MsgTrackingStateDetailedDep), MsgTrackingStateDepB(MsgTrackingStateDepB), MsgAcqResultDepB(MsgAcqResultDepB), MsgAcqResultDepA(MsgAcqResultDepA), MsgTrackingStateDepA(MsgTrackingStateDepA), MsgThreadState(MsgThreadState), MsgUartStateDepa(MsgUartStateDepa), MsgIarState(MsgIarState), MsgEphemerisDepA(MsgEphemerisDepA), MsgMaskSatelliteDep(MsgMaskSatelliteDep), MsgTrackingIqDepA(MsgTrackingIqDepA), MsgUartState(MsgUartState), MsgAcqSvProfileDep(MsgAcqSvProfileDep), MsgAcqResultDepC(MsgAcqResultDepC), MsgTrackingStateDetailedDepA(MsgTrackingStateDetailedDepA), MsgResetFilters(MsgResetFilters), MsgInitBaseDep(MsgInitBaseDep), MsgMaskSatellite(MsgMaskSatellite), MsgTrackingIqDepB(MsgTrackingIqDepB), MsgTrackingIq(MsgTrackingIq), MsgAcqSvProfile(MsgAcqSvProfile), MsgAcqResult(MsgAcqResult), MsgTrackingState(MsgTrackingState), MsgObsDepB(MsgObsDepB), MsgBasePosLlh(MsgBasePosLlh), MsgObsDepA(MsgObsDepA), MsgEphemerisDepB(MsgEphemerisDepB), MsgEphemerisDepC(MsgEphemerisDepC), MsgBasePosEcef(MsgBasePosEcef), MsgObsDepC(MsgObsDepC), MsgObs(MsgObs), MsgSpecanDep(MsgSpecanDep), MsgSpecan(MsgSpecan), MsgMeasurementState(MsgMeasurementState), MsgSetTime(MsgSetTime), MsgAlmanac(MsgAlmanac), MsgAlmanacGpsDep(MsgAlmanacGpsDep), MsgAlmanacGloDep(MsgAlmanacGloDep), MsgAlmanacGps(MsgAlmanacGps), MsgAlmanacGlo(MsgAlmanacGlo), MsgGloBiases(MsgGloBiases), MsgEphemerisDepD(MsgEphemerisDepD), MsgEphemerisGpsDepE(MsgEphemerisGpsDepE), MsgEphemerisSbasDepA(MsgEphemerisSbasDepA), MsgEphemerisGloDepA(MsgEphemerisGloDepA), MsgEphemerisSbasDepB(MsgEphemerisSbasDepB), MsgEphemerisGloDepB(MsgEphemerisGloDepB), MsgEphemerisGpsDepF(MsgEphemerisGpsDepF), MsgEphemerisGloDepC(MsgEphemerisGloDepC), MsgEphemerisGloDepD(MsgEphemerisGloDepD), MsgEphemerisBds(MsgEphemerisBds), MsgEphemerisGps(MsgEphemerisGps), MsgEphemerisGlo(MsgEphemerisGlo), MsgEphemerisSbas(MsgEphemerisSbas), MsgEphemerisGal(MsgEphemerisGal), MsgEphemerisQzss(MsgEphemerisQzss), MsgIono(MsgIono), MsgSvConfigurationGpsDep(MsgSvConfigurationGpsDep), MsgGroupDelayDepA(MsgGroupDelayDepA), MsgGroupDelayDepB(MsgGroupDelayDepB), MsgGroupDelay(MsgGroupDelay), MsgEphemerisGalDepA(MsgEphemerisGalDepA), MsgGnssCapb(MsgGnssCapb), MsgSvAzEl(MsgSvAzEl), MsgSettingsWrite(MsgSettingsWrite), MsgSettingsSave(MsgSettingsSave), MsgSettingsReadByIndexReq(MsgSettingsReadByIndexReq), MsgFileioReadResp(MsgFileioReadResp), MsgSettingsReadReq(MsgSettingsReadReq), MsgSettingsReadResp(MsgSettingsReadResp), MsgSettingsReadByIndexDone(MsgSettingsReadByIndexDone), MsgSettingsReadByIndexResp(MsgSettingsReadByIndexResp), MsgFileioReadReq(MsgFileioReadReq), MsgFileioReadDirReq(MsgFileioReadDirReq), MsgFileioReadDirResp(MsgFileioReadDirResp), MsgFileioWriteResp(MsgFileioWriteResp), MsgFileioRemove(MsgFileioRemove), MsgFileioWriteReq(MsgFileioWriteReq), MsgSettingsRegister(MsgSettingsRegister), MsgSettingsWriteResp(MsgSettingsWriteResp), MsgBootloaderHandshakeDepA(MsgBootloaderHandshakeDepA), MsgBootloaderJumpToApp(MsgBootloaderJumpToApp), MsgResetDep(MsgResetDep), MsgBootloaderHandshakeReq(MsgBootloaderHandshakeReq), MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp(MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp), MsgDeviceMonitor(MsgDeviceMonitor), MsgReset(MsgReset), MsgCommandReq(MsgCommandReq), MsgCommandResp(MsgCommandResp), MsgNetworkStateReq(MsgNetworkStateReq), MsgNetworkStateResp(MsgNetworkStateResp), MsgCommandOutput(MsgCommandOutput), MsgNetworkBandwidthUsage(MsgNetworkBandwidthUsage), MsgCellModemStatus(MsgCellModemStatus), MsgFrontEndGain(MsgFrontEndGain), MsgCwResults(MsgCwResults), MsgCwStart(MsgCwStart), MsgNapDeviceDnaResp(MsgNapDeviceDnaResp), MsgNapDeviceDnaReq(MsgNapDeviceDnaReq), MsgFlashDone(MsgFlashDone), MsgFlashReadResp(MsgFlashReadResp), MsgFlashErase(MsgFlashErase), MsgStmFlashLockSector(MsgStmFlashLockSector), MsgStmFlashUnlockSector(MsgStmFlashUnlockSector), MsgStmUniqueIdResp(MsgStmUniqueIdResp), MsgFlashProgram(MsgFlashProgram), MsgFlashReadReq(MsgFlashReadReq), MsgStmUniqueIdReq(MsgStmUniqueIdReq), MsgM25FlashWriteStatus(MsgM25FlashWriteStatus), MsgGpsTimeDepA(MsgGpsTimeDepA), MsgExtEvent(MsgExtEvent), MsgGpsTime(MsgGpsTime), MsgUtcTime(MsgUtcTime), MsgGpsTimeGnss(MsgGpsTimeGnss), MsgUtcTimeGnss(MsgUtcTimeGnss), MsgSettingsRegisterResp(MsgSettingsRegisterResp), MsgPosEcefDepA(MsgPosEcefDepA), MsgPosLlhDepA(MsgPosLlhDepA), MsgBaselineEcefDepA(MsgBaselineEcefDepA), MsgBaselineNedDepA(MsgBaselineNedDepA), MsgVelEcefDepA(MsgVelEcefDepA), MsgVelNedDepA(MsgVelNedDepA), MsgDopsDepA(MsgDopsDepA), MsgBaselineHeadingDepA(MsgBaselineHeadingDepA), MsgDops(MsgDops), MsgPosEcef(MsgPosEcef), MsgPosLlh(MsgPosLlh), MsgBaselineEcef(MsgBaselineEcef), MsgBaselineNed(MsgBaselineNed), MsgVelEcef(MsgVelEcef), MsgVelNed(MsgVelNed), MsgBaselineHeading(MsgBaselineHeading), MsgAgeCorrections(MsgAgeCorrections), MsgPosLlhCov(MsgPosLlhCov), MsgVelNedCov(MsgVelNedCov), MsgVelBody(MsgVelBody), MsgPosEcefCov(MsgPosEcefCov), MsgVelEcefCov(MsgVelEcefCov), MsgProtectionLevelDepA(MsgProtectionLevelDepA), MsgProtectionLevel(MsgProtectionLevel), MsgPosLlhAcc(MsgPosLlhAcc), MsgVelCog(MsgVelCog), MsgOrientQuat(MsgOrientQuat), MsgOrientEuler(MsgOrientEuler), MsgAngularRate(MsgAngularRate), MsgPosEcefGnss(MsgPosEcefGnss), MsgPosLlhGnss(MsgPosLlhGnss), MsgVelEcefGnss(MsgVelEcefGnss), MsgVelNedGnss(MsgVelNedGnss), MsgPosLlhCovGnss(MsgPosLlhCovGnss), MsgVelNedCovGnss(MsgVelNedCovGnss), MsgPosEcefCovGnss(MsgPosEcefCovGnss), MsgVelEcefCovGnss(MsgVelEcefCovGnss), MsgUtcLeapSecond(MsgUtcLeapSecond), MsgReferenceFrameParam(MsgReferenceFrameParam), MsgPoseRelative(MsgPoseRelative), MsgNdbEvent(MsgNdbEvent), MsgLog(MsgLog), MsgFwd(MsgFwd), MsgSsrOrbitClockDepA(MsgSsrOrbitClockDepA), MsgSsrOrbitClock(MsgSsrOrbitClock), MsgSsrOrbitClockBounds(MsgSsrOrbitClockBounds), MsgSsrOrbitClockBoundsDegradation(MsgSsrOrbitClockBoundsDegradation), MsgSsrCodeBiases(MsgSsrCodeBiases), MsgSsrPhaseBiases(MsgSsrPhaseBiases), MsgSsrStecCorrectionDepA(MsgSsrStecCorrectionDepA), MsgSsrCodePhaseBiasesBounds(MsgSsrCodePhaseBiasesBounds), MsgSsrGriddedCorrectionNoStdDepA(MsgSsrGriddedCorrectionNoStdDepA), MsgSsrGridDefinitionDepA(MsgSsrGridDefinitionDepA), MsgSsrTileDefinitionDep(MsgSsrTileDefinitionDep), MsgSsrTileDefinition(MsgSsrTileDefinition), MsgSsrGriddedCorrectionDepA(MsgSsrGriddedCorrectionDepA), MsgSsrStecCorrectionDep(MsgSsrStecCorrectionDep), MsgSsrGriddedCorrection(MsgSsrGriddedCorrection), MsgSsrStecCorrection(MsgSsrStecCorrection), MsgSsrGriddedCorrectionBounds(MsgSsrGriddedCorrectionBounds), MsgSsrSatelliteApc(MsgSsrSatelliteApc), MsgOsr(MsgOsr), MsgUserData(MsgUserData), MsgImuRaw(MsgImuRaw), MsgImuAux(MsgImuAux), MsgMagRaw(MsgMagRaw), MsgOdometry(MsgOdometry), MsgWheeltick(MsgWheeltick), MsgSsrFlagHighLevel(MsgSsrFlagHighLevel), MsgSsrFlagSatellites(MsgSsrFlagSatellites), MsgSsrFlagTropoGridPoints(MsgSsrFlagTropoGridPoints), MsgSsrFlagIonoGridPoints(MsgSsrFlagIonoGridPoints), MsgSsrFlagIonoTileSatLos(MsgSsrFlagIonoTileSatLos), MsgSsrFlagIonoGridPointSatLos(MsgSsrFlagIonoGridPointSatLos), MsgEd25519SignatureDep(MsgEd25519SignatureDep), MsgEd25519Certificate(MsgEd25519Certificate), MsgEd25519Signature(MsgEd25519Signature), MsgFileioConfigReq(MsgFileioConfigReq), MsgFileioConfigResp(MsgFileioConfigResp), MsgSbasRaw(MsgSbasRaw), MsgLinuxCpuStateDepA(MsgLinuxCpuStateDepA), MsgLinuxMemStateDepA(MsgLinuxMemStateDepA), MsgLinuxSysStateDepA(MsgLinuxSysStateDepA), MsgLinuxProcessSocketCounts(MsgLinuxProcessSocketCounts), MsgLinuxProcessSocketQueues(MsgLinuxProcessSocketQueues), MsgLinuxSocketUsage(MsgLinuxSocketUsage), MsgLinuxProcessFdCount(MsgLinuxProcessFdCount), MsgLinuxProcessFdSummary(MsgLinuxProcessFdSummary), MsgLinuxCpuState(MsgLinuxCpuState), MsgLinuxMemState(MsgLinuxMemState), MsgLinuxSysState(MsgLinuxSysState), MsgStartup(MsgStartup), MsgDgnssStatus(MsgDgnssStatus), MsgInsStatus(MsgInsStatus), MsgCsacTelemetry(MsgCsacTelemetry), MsgCsacTelemetryLabels(MsgCsacTelemetryLabels), MsgInsUpdates(MsgInsUpdates), MsgGnssTimeOffset(MsgGnssTimeOffset), MsgPpsTime(MsgPpsTime), MsgSensorAidEvent(MsgSensorAidEvent), MsgGroupMeta(MsgGroupMeta), MsgSolnMeta(MsgSolnMeta), MsgSolnMetaDepA(MsgSolnMetaDepA), MsgStatusJournal(MsgStatusJournal), MsgStatusReport(MsgStatusReport), MsgHeartbeat(MsgHeartbeat), Unknown(Unknown),
Expand description

Represents any SBP message.

Variants (Non-exhaustive)§

This enum is marked as non-exhaustive
Non-exhaustive enums could have additional variants added in future. Therefore, when matching against variants of non-exhaustive enums, an extra wildcard arm must be added to account for any future variants.




















State of an RTOS thread






State of the Integer Ambiguity Resolution (IAR) process












State of the UART channels









Detailed signal tracking channel states. DEPRECATED



Reset IAR filters (host => Piksi)






Mask a satellite from use in Piksi subsystems



Tracking channel correlations



Tracking channel correlations



Acquisition perfomance measurement and debug



Satellite acquisition result



Signal tracking channel states






Base station position









Satellite broadcast ephemeris



Base station position in ECEF






GPS satellite observations






Spectrum analyzer



Measurement Engine signal tracking channel states



Send GPS time from host (host => Piksi)



Legacy message to load satellite almanac (host => Piksi)



Satellite broadcast ephemeris for GPS



Satellite broadcast ephemeris for GLO



Satellite broadcast ephemeris for GPS



Satellite broadcast ephemeris for GLO



GLONASS L1/L2 Code-Phase biases



Satellite broadcast ephemeris



Satellite broadcast ephemeris for GPS



Satellite broadcast ephemeris for SBAS



Satellite broadcast ephemeris for GLO






Satellite broadcast ephemeris for GLO






Satellite broadcast ephemeris for GLO






Satellite broadcast ephemeris for BDS



Satellite broadcast ephemeris for GPS



Satellite broadcast ephemeris for GLO



Satellite broadcast ephemeris for SBAS



Satellite broadcast ephemeris for Galileo



Satellite broadcast ephemeris for QZSS



Iono corrections



L2C capability mask



Group Delay



Group Delay



Group Delay






GNSS capabilities



Satellite azimuths and elevations



Write device configuration settings (host => device)



Save settings to flash (host => device)



Read setting by direct index (host => device)



File read from the file system (host <= device)



Read device configuration settings (host => device)



Read device configuration settings (host <= device)



Finished reading settings (host <= device)



Read setting by direct index (host <= device)



Read file from the file system (host => device)



List files in a directory (host => device)



Files listed in a directory (host <= device)



File written to (host <= device)



Delete a file from the file system (host => device)



Write to file (host => device)



Register setting and default value (device => host)



Acknowledgement with status of MSG_SETTINGS_WRITE






Bootloader jump to application (host => device)



Reset the device (host => Piksi)



Bootloading handshake request (host => device)



Bootloading handshake response (host <= device)



Device temperature and voltage levels



Reset the device (host => Piksi)



Execute a command (host => device)



Exit code from executed command (device => host)



Request state of Piksi network interfaces



State of network interface



Command output



Bandwidth usage reporting message



Cell modem information update message



RF AGC status



Legacy message for CW interference channel (Piksi => host)



Legacy message for CW interference channel (host => Piksi)



Read FPGA device ID over UART response (host <= device)



Read FPGA device ID over UART request (host => device)



Flash response message (host <= device)



Read STM or M25 flash address response (host <= device)



Erase sector of device flash memory (host => device)



Lock sector of STM flash memory (host => device)



Unlock sector of STM flash memory (host => device)



Read device’s hard-coded unique ID response (host <= device)



Program flash addresses



Read STM or M25 flash address request (host => device)



Read device’s hard-coded unique ID request (host => device)



Write M25 flash status register (host => device)



GPS Time (v1.0)



Reports timestamped external pin event



GPS Time



UTC Time



GPS Time



UTC Time



Register setting and default value (device <= host)



Single-point position in ECEF



Geodetic Position



Baseline Position in ECEF



Baseline in NED



Velocity in ECEF



Velocity in NED



Dilution of Precision



Heading relative to True North



Dilution of Precision



Single-point position in ECEF



Geodetic Position



Baseline Position in ECEF



Baseline in NED



Velocity in ECEF



Velocity in NED



Heading relative to True North



Age of corrections



Geodetic Position



Velocity in NED



Velocity in User Frame



Single-point position in ECEF



Velocity in ECEF



Computed Position and Protection Level



Computed state and Protection Levels



Geodetic Position and Accuracy



Velocity expressed as course over ground



Quaternion 4 component vector



Euler angles



Vehicle Body Frame instantaneous angular rates



GNSS-only Position in ECEF



GNSS-only Geodetic Position



GNSS-only Velocity in ECEF



GNSS-only Velocity in NED



GNSS-only Geodetic Position



GNSS-only Velocity in NED



GNSS-only Position in ECEF



GNSS-only Velocity in ECEF



Leap second SBP message.



Reference Frame Transformation Parameters



Relative Pose



Navigation DataBase Event



Plaintext logging messages with levels



Wrapper for FWD a separate stream of information over SBP






Precise orbit and clock correction



Combined Orbit and Clock Bound



Combined Orbit and Clock Bound Degradation Parameter



Precise code biases correction



Precise phase biases correction






Combined Code and Phase Biases Bounds









Definition of a SSR atmospheric correction tile.



Definition of a SSR atmospheric correction tile.






STEC correction polynomial coefficients



Gridded troposphere and STEC correction residuals



STEC correction polynomial coefficients



Gridded troposhere and STEC correction residuals bounds



Satellite antenna phase center corrections



OSR corrections



User data



Raw IMU data



Auxiliary IMU data



Raw magnetometer data



Vehicle forward (x-axis) velocity



Accumulated wheeltick count message



High level integrity flags



List of satellites which are faulty, per constellation



List of grid points which are faulty



List of grid points which are faulty



List of all the LOS which are faulty



List of all the grid points to satellite which are faulty






ED25519 certificate, split over multiple messages



ED25519 signature for groups of RTCM messages



Request advice on the optimal configuration for FileIO



Response with advice on the optimal configuration for FileIO.



Raw SBAS data



List CPU state on the system. DEPRECATED



List memory state on the system. DEPRECATED



CPU, Memory and Process Starts/Stops. DEPRECATED



A list of processes with high socket counts



A list of processes with deep socket queues



Summary of socket usage across the system



Summary of processes with large amounts of open file descriptors



Summary of open file descriptors on the system



List CPU state on the system



List memory state on the system



CPU, Memory and Process Starts/Stops



System start-up message



Status of received corrections



Inertial Navigation System status message



Experimental telemetry message



Experimental telemetry message labels



Inertial Navigation System update status message



Offset of the local time with respect to GNSS time



Local time at detection of PPS pulse



Sensor state and update status data



Solution Group Metadata



Solution Sensors Metadata






Status report journal



Status report message



System heartbeat message



Unknown message type


Parse a message from given fields.

use std::convert::TryInto;

use sbp::messages::logging::MsgLog;
use sbp::Sbp;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // log level 1 and with "hello" as the message
    let msg_type = 1025;
    let sender_id = 1;
    let payload: &[u8] = &[1, 104, 101, 108, 108, 111];

    let msg: MsgLog = Sbp::from_parts(msg_type, sender_id, payload)?.try_into()?;
    assert_eq!(msg.sender_id, Some(1));
    assert_eq!(msg.level, 1);
    assert_eq!(msg.text.as_bytes(), "hello".as_bytes());

Trait Implementations§

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more
Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more
Converts to this type from the input type.
Converts to this type from the input type.
Converts to this type from the input type.
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This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==. Read more
This method tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason. Read more
Get the message name.
Get the message type.
Get the sender_id if it is set.
Set the sender id.
Number of bytes this message will take on the wire.
Get friendly name associated with the message.
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
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Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more
Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Returns the argument unchanged.

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.
Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more
Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.