Macro sauron::node

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node!() { /* proc-macro */ }
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Quasi-quoting macro for building sauron Nodes.

The macro allows for specifying html-like elements and attributes, and supports advanced interpolation and looping.


Both open elements with a closing tag, and elements which are immediately closed are supported:

use sauron::{node,Node};

let _: Node<()> = node!(<input type="button" />);
let _: Node<()> = node!(<h1>"A title"</h1>);


Attributes must be valid Rust identifiers. These are translated to kebab-case and trimmed. So x_data_ would be translated to x-data.

Any sort of literal (like true or 42u32) is supported as an attribute argument.

use sauron::{node,Node};

let _: Node<()> = node!(<input x_data_="my data" />);
let _: Node<()> = node!(<input x_data_int_=42u32 x_data_bool_=true />);

Attribute values can be interpolated. These expressions must produce an attribute that can be converted into a Value.

use sauron::{node,Node};

struct Model {
    value: String,

impl Model {
    pub fn view(&self) -> Node<()> {
        node!(<input value={self.value.clone()} />)

Whole attributes can also be generated. These expressions must produce an Attribute.

use sauron::{node,Node,html::attributes::classes_flag};

struct Model {
    editing: bool,
    completed: bool,

impl Model {
    pub fn view(&self) -> Node<()> {
        node!(<input {{classes_flag([
            ("todo", true),
            ("editing", self.editing),
            ("completed", self.completed),
        ])}} />)

Finally, we also support empty attributes.

use sauron::{node,Node};

let _: Node<()> = node!(<button disabled />);

§Event handlers

Event handlers are special attributes. Any attribute that starts with on_ will be matched with event handlers available in sauron::dom::events.

use sauron::{node,Node,

enum Msg {

struct Model {
    value: String,

impl Model {
   fn view(&self) -> Node<Msg> {
       node! {
               placeholder="What needs to be done?"
               on_input={|v: InputEvent| Msg::Update(v.value())}
               on_keypress={|event: KeyboardEvent| {
                   if event.key() == "Enter" {
                   } else {
               }} />


Loops are supported through a special construct. They look and behave like regular Rust loops, except that whatever the loop body evaluates to will be appended to the child of a node.

The loop body must evaluate to a Node.

use sauron::{node,Node,html::text};

struct Model {
    items: Vec<String>,

impl Model {
    pub fn view(&self) -> Node<()> {
        node! {
                {for item in self.items.iter() {

Note: node! macro is used since it is not an html tag while most other framework uses html! macro, this prevents the library to have collision with the html tag, when used as tag macro