Module sauron::prelude[][src]

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reexport prelude from sauron core


This module provides functionalities for manipulating the actual Document Object Model in the browser

Provides functions and macros to build html elements

Bindings to JavaScript’s standard, built-in objects, including their methods and properties.

json css

mt-dom is a generic virtual dom implementation which doesn’t specify the types of the data that is being processed. It’s up to the library user to specify those types

Serde JSON

Provides functions and macros to build svg elements

provides function and macro for html units such as px, %, em, etc.

This module contains types that are derived from mt-dom where we assign concrete types into the generics

Runtime support for the wasm-bindgen tool

Raw API bindings for Web APIs


declare a function with the name corresponds to attribute name for easy usage in html elements Example:

jss macro

jss with namespace

create css using jss with namespace macro with correct indentions

create css using jss macro with nice indentions

Quasi-quoting macro for building sauron Nodes.

a utility function for convenient styling of elements

creates a text node using a formatter


The AnimationEvent class.

A handle to both a closure in Rust as well as JS closure which will invoke the Rust closure.

A node along with all of the closures that were created for that node’s events and all of it’s child node’s events.

Used for keeping a real DOM node up to date based on the current Node and a new incoming Node that represents our latest DOM state.

The HashChangeEvent class.

Provides functions for doing http network request

a custom InputEvent to contain the input string value

Representation of an object owned by JS.

The KeyboardEvent class.

Contains the time it took for the last app update call for the component

an event when a virtual Node is mounted the field node is the actual dom node where the virtual Node is created in the actual dom

The MouseEvent class.

Holds the user App and the dom updater This is passed into the event listener and the dispatch program will be called after the event is triggered.

css styles style can be converted into an attribute

Text node

The TransitionEvent class.

Provides access to the Browser window


Values of an attribute can be in these variants

Map the Event to DomEvent, which are browser events

TODO: merge this with AttributeValue Value is an abstraction of the values used in the actual backend. Html and gtk-rs have different set of compatible values therefore a need for a storage of these intermediate value is needed


These are most commonly used html attributes such as class, id, etc

These are html attributes with names that are non proper rust identifier therefore handled differently. ie: (for, in)

html events

These are the self closing tags such as <input/>, <br/>,

HTML style names

These are the comonly used html tags such as div, input, buttons,.. etc

These are html tags which are non commonly used. Put together in this collection to avoid import conflicts with the commonly used ones.

These are html tags with macro which are non commonly used. Put together in this collection to avoid import conflicts with the commonly used ones.

These are most commonly used svg attributes

These are svg attributes with names that are non proper rust identifier therefore they are handled differently. ie: (color-profile, accent-height, etc)

Svg attributes with xlink namespace

SVG namespace const, use this when creating an svg element dynamically in the DOM


Add mapping function for Attribute

The app should implement this trait for it to be handled by the Program

This trait is used in the DomUpdater to call the dispatch method when an event occured

Add mapping function for Element

Add mapping function for Node, Element, Attribute,

render node, elements to a writable buffer

Special Node attributes that are treated differently such as key and skip which both greatly affects the diffing algorithm

An extension trait for Option<T> and Result<T, E> for unwraping the T value, or throwing a JS error if it is not available.


Creates an html a element

Creates an html abbr element

Creates html accent-height attribute

Creates html accept attribute

Creates html accept-charset attribute

Creates html accesskey attribute

Creates html accumulate attribute

Creates html action attribute

Creates html additive attribute

Creates an html address element

Creates html align attribute

Creates html alignment-baseline attribute

Creates html allow attribute

Creates html allowReorder attribute

Creates html alphabetic attribute

Creates html alt attribute

Creates html amplitude attribute

Creates an svg animate element

Creates an svg animateMotion element

Creates an svg animateTransform element

Creates html arabic-form attribute

Creates an html area element

Creates an html article element

Creates html ascent attribute

Creates an html aside element

Creates html async attribute

a utility function to convert simple value into attribute

Creates html attributeName attribute

Creates html attributeType attribute

A helper function for setting attributes with no values such as checked in checkbox input type This is best called to be appended to the node since this returns an array of attributes which doesn’t play well with the others

Creates an html audio element

Creates html autoReverse attribute

Creates html autocapitalize attribute

Creates html autocomplete attribute

Creates html autofocus attribute

Creates html autoplay attribute

Creates html azimuth attribute

Creates an html b element

Creates html background attribute

Creates an html base element

Creates html baseFrequency attribute

Creates html baseProfile attribute

Creates html baseline-shift attribute

Creates html bbox attribute

Creates an html bdi element

Creates an html bdo element

Creates html begin attribute

Creates html bgcolor attribute

Creates html bias attribute

Creates an html blockquote element

Creates html border attribute

Creates an html br element

Creates html buffered attribute

Creates an html button element

Creates html by attribute

Creates html calcMode attribute

Creates an html canvas element

Creates html cap-height attribute

Creates an html caption element

Relative to the width of the “0” (zero)

Creates html challenge attribute

Creates html charset attribute

set the checked value, used checkbox and radio buttons

Creates an svg circle element

Creates html class attribute

a helper function to add multiple classes to a node

A helper function which takes an array of tuple of class and a flag. The final class is assembled using only the values that has a flag which evaluates to true.

Creates html clip attribute

Creates an svg clipPath element

Creates html clipPathUnits attribute

Creates html clip-path attribute

Creates html clip-rule attribute


Creates an html code element

Creates html codebase attribute

Creates an html col element

Creates an html colgroup element

Creates html color-interpolation attribute

Creates html color-interpolation-filters attribute

Creates html color-profile attribute

Creates html color-rendering attribute

Creates html cols attribute

Creates html colspan attribute

Creates an html command element

Creates html content attribute

Creates html contentScriptType attribute

Creates html contentStyleType attribute

Creates html contenteditable attribute

Creates html contextmenu attribute

Creates html controls attribute

Creates html coords attribute

Creates html crossorigin attribute

Creates html csp attribute

Creates html cursor attribute

Creates html cx attribute

Creates html cy attribute

Creates html d attribute

Creates an html datalist element

Creates html datetime attribute

Creates an html dd element

Creates html decelerate attribute

Creates html decoding attribute

Creates html default attribute

Creates html defer attribute

Creates an svg defs element

Creates an html del element

Creates an svg desc element

Creates html descent attribute

Creates an html details element

Creates an html dfn element

Creates an html dialog element

This is a sauron html specific functionality diff 2 nodes with attribute using &'static str instead of generic ATT

Creates html diffuseConstant attribute

Creates html dir attribute

Creates html direction attribute

Creates html dirname attribute

set whether an element is disabled or not

Creates an svg discard element

Creates html display attribute

Creates an html div element

Creates html divisor attribute

Creates an html dl element

provides access to the document element

Creates html dominant-baseline attribute

Creates html download attribute

Creates html draggable attribute

Creates html dropzone attribute

Creates an html dt element

Creates html dur attribute

Creates html dx attribute

Creates html dy attribute

Creates html edgeMode attribute

create a virtual node with tag, attrs and children

create a virtual node with namespace, tag, attrs and children

Creates html elevation attribute

Creates an svg ellipse element

Creates an html embed element

a utility function to return create an empty attr, useful for cases where branch expression need to return an attribute which otherwise it can not produce example:

Creates html enable-background attribute

Creates html enctype attribute

Creates html end attribute

Creates html enterkeyhint attribute

Relative to the x-height of the current font (rarely used)

request animation frame and execute function

Creates html exponent attribute

Creates html externalResourcesRequired attribute

Creates an svg feBlend element

Creates an svg feColorMatrix element

Creates an svg feComponentTransfer element

Creates an svg feComposite element

Creates an svg feConvolveMatrix element

Creates an svg feDiffuseLighting element

Creates an svg feDisplacementMap element

Creates an svg feDistantLight element

Creates an svg feDropShadow element

Creates an svg feFlood element

Creates an svg feFuncA element

Creates an svg feFuncB element

Creates an svg feFuncG element

Creates an svg feFuncR element

Creates an svg feGaussianBlur element

Creates an svg feImage element

Creates an svg feMerge element

Creates an svg feMergeNode element

Creates an svg feMorphology element

Creates an svg feOffset element

Creates an svg fePointLight element

Creates an svg feSpecularLighting element

Creates an svg feSpotLight element

Creates an svg feTile element

Creates an svg feTurbulence element

Creates an html fieldset element

Creates an html figcaption element

Creates an html figure element

Creates html fill attribute

Creates html fill-opacity attribute

Creates html fill-rule attribute

Creates html filterRes attribute

Creates html filterUnits attribute

Creates html flex-direction attribute

Creates html flood-color attribute

Creates html flood-opacity attribute

focus the html element

Creates html font-family attribute

Creates html font-size attribute

Creates html font-size-adjust attribute

Creates html font-stretch attribute

Creates html font-style attribute

Creates html font-variant attribute

Creates html font-weight attribute

Creates an html footer element

Creates html for attribute

Creates an svg foreignObject element

Creates an html form element

Creates html formaction attribute

Creates html format attribute

Creates html formnovalidate attribute

Creates html fr attribute

Creates html from attribute

Creates html fx attribute

Creates html fy attribute

Creates an svg g element

Creates html g1 attribute

Creates html g2 attribute

Creates html glyphRef attribute

Creates html glyph-name attribute

Creates html glyph-orientation-horizontal attribute

Creates html glyph-orientation-vertical attribute

Creates html gradientTransform attribute

Creates html gradientUnits attribute

Creates an html h1 element

Creates an html h2 element

Creates an html h3 element

Creates an html h4 element

Creates an html h5 element

Creates an html h6 element

Creates html hanging attribute

Creates an svg hatch element

Creates an svg hatchpath element

Creates an html head element

Creates an html header element

Creates html headers attribute

Creates html height attribute

Creates an html hgroup element

Creates html hidden attribute

Creates html high attribute

utility function which returns the history api of the browser

Creates html horiz-adv-x attribute

Creates html horiz-origin-x attribute

Creates an html hr element

Creates html href attribute

Creates an html html element

Creates an html element

Creates an html element with the element tag name and namespace This is specifically used for creating svg element where a namespace is needed, otherwise the browser will not render it correctly.

Create a self closing html element.

Creates html http attribute

Creates an html i element

Creates html icon attribute

Creates html id attribute

Creates html ideographic attribute

Creates an html iframe element

Creates an svg image element

Creates html image-rendering attribute

Creates an html img element

Creates html importance attribute

Creates html in2 attribute

Creates html in attribute

set the inner html of this element without comparing in the diff this always sets the value This is for optimization purposes and will lead to some hacks in the implementation

Creates an html input element

Creates html inputmode attribute

Creates an html ins element

Creates html integrity attribute

Creates html intercept attribute

Creates html intrinsicsize attribute

Creates html ismap attribute

Creates html itemprop attribute

Creates html k attribute

Creates html k1 attribute

Creates html k2 attribute

Creates html k3 attribute

Creates html k4 attribute

Creates an html kbd element

Creates html kernelMatrix attribute

Creates html kernelUnitLength attribute

Creates html kerning attribute

key attributes is used to match old element and new element when diffing

Creates html keyPoints attribute

Creates html keySplines attribute

Creates html keyTimes attribute

Creates an html keygen element

Creates html keytype attribute

Creates html kind attribute

Creates an html label element

Creates html language attribute

Creates an html legend element

Creates html lengthAdjust attribute

Creates html letter-spacing attribute

Creates an html li element

Creates html lighting-color attribute

Creates html limitingConeAngle attribute

Creates an svg line element

Creates an svg linearGradient element

Creates an html link element

Creates html list attribute

Creates html loading attribute

Creates html local attribute

Creates html loop attribute

Creates html low attribute

Creates an html main element

Creates html manifest attribute

Creates an html map element

Creates an html mark element

Creates an svg marker element

Creates html markerHeight attribute

Creates html markerUnits attribute

Creates html markerWidth attribute

Creates html marker-end attribute

Creates html marker-mid attribute

Creates html marker-start attribute

Creates html maskContentUnits attribute

Creates html maskUnits attribute

Creates html mathematical attribute

Creates html maxlength attribute

Creates an html menu element

Creates an html menuitem element

Creates an svg mesh element

Creates an svg meshgradient element

Creates an svg meshpatch element

Creates an svg meshrow element

Creates an html meta element

Creates an svg metadata element

Creates an html meter element

Creates html minlength attribute


Creates html mode attribute

Creates an svg mpath element

Creates html multiple attribute

Creates html muted attribute

Creates an html nav element

Creates an html noscript element

Creates html novalidate attribute

return the instantaneous time

Creates html numOctaves attribute

Creates an html object element

Creates html offset attribute

Creates an html ol element

an event builder

attach an on_animationend event to the html element

attach an on_auxclick event to the html element

attach an on_blur event to the html element

attach an on_broadcast event to the html element

attach an on_change event to the html element

attach an on_checked event to the html element

on click event

attach an on_contextmenu event to the html element

attach an on_dblclick event to the html element

attach an on_doubleclick event to the html element

custom on_enter event, which is triggered from key_press when the Enter key is pressed

attach an on_focus event to the html element

attach an on_hashchange event to the html element

attach an on_input event to the html element

attach an on_keydown event to the html element

attach an on_keypress event to the html element

attach an on_keyup event to the html element

custom mount event

attach an on_mousedown event to the html element

attach an on_mouseenter event to the html element

attach an on_mouseleave event to the html element

attach an on_mousemove event to the html element

attach an on_mouseout event to the html element

attach an on_mouseover event to the html element

attach an on_mouseup event to the html element

attach an on_pointerlockchange event to the html element

attach an on_pointerlockerror event to the html element

attach an on_popstate event to the html element

attach an on_readystatechange event to the html element

attach an on_reset event to the html element

attach callback to the scroll event

attach an on_select event to the html element

attach an on_submit event to the html element

attach an on_transitionend event to the html element

attach an on_wheel event to the html element

Creates html opacity attribute

Creates html open attribute

Creates html operator attribute

Creates an html optgroup element

Creates html optimum attribute

Creates an html option element

Creates html order attribute

Creates html orient attribute

Creates html orientation attribute

Creates html origin attribute

Creates an html output element

Creates html overflow attribute

Creates html overline-position attribute

Creates html overline-thickness attribute

Creates an html p element

Creates html paint-order attribute

Creates html panose-1 attribute

Creates an html param element

Creates an svg path element

Creates html pathLength attribute

Creates html patternContentUnits attribute

Creates html patternTransform attribute

Creates html patternUnits attribute

picas (1pc = 12 pt)


provides access to the window Performance api

Creates an html picture element

Creates html placeholder attribute

Creates html pointer-events attribute

Creates html points attribute

Creates html pointsAtX attribute

Creates html pointsAtY attribute

Creates html pointsAtZ attribute

Creates an svg polygon element

Creates an svg polyline element

Creates html poster attribute

Creates an html pre element

Creates html preload attribute

Creates html preserveAlpha attribute

Creates html preserveAspectRatio attribute

Creates html primitiveUnits attribute

Creates an html progress element

points (1pt = 1/72 of 1in)

pixels (1px = 1/96th of 1in)

Creates html r attribute

Creates an svg radialGradient element

Creates html radiogroup attribute

Creates html radius attribute

Creates an html rb element

Creates html readonly attribute

Creates an svg rect element

Creates html refX attribute

Creates html refY attribute

Creates html referrerPolicy attribute

Creates html referrerpolicy attribute

Relative to font-size of the root element

Creates html rendering-intent attribute

Creates html repeatCount attribute

Creates html repeatDur attribute

if the value is true, then this node is made to replace the old node it matches

utility function which executes the agument closure in a request animation frame

Creates html required attribute

Creates html requiredExtensions attribute

Creates html requiredFeatures attribute

Creates html restart attribute

Creates html result attribute

Creates html reversed attribute

Creates html rotate attribute

Creates html rows attribute

Creates html rowspan attribute

Creates an html rp element

Creates an html rt element

Creates an html rtc element

Creates an html ruby element

Creates html rx attribute

Creates html ry attribute

Creates an html s element

Create an html and instruct the DOM renderer and/or DOM patcher that the operation is safe.

Creates an html samp element

Creates html sandbox attribute

Creates html scale attribute

Creates html scope attribute

Creates html scoped attribute

Creates an html script element

Creates an html section element

Creates html seed attribute

Creates an html select element

Creates html selected attribute

Creates an svg set element

Creates html shape attribute

Creates html shape-rendering attribute

Creates html size attribute

Creates html sizes attribute

if the value is true, then the diffing of this element and its descendants are skip entirely

Creates html slope attribute

Creates an html small element

Creates an svg solidcolor element

Creates an html source element

Creates html spacing attribute

Creates an html span element

Creates html specularConstant attribute

Creates html specularExponent attribute

Creates html speed attribute

Creates html spellcheck attribute

Creates html spreadMethod attribute

Creates html src attribute

Creates html srcdoc attribute

Creates html srclang attribute

Creates html srcset attribute

Creates html start attribute

Creates html startOffset attribute

Creates html stdDeviation attribute

Creates html stemh attribute

Creates html stemv attribute

Creates html step attribute

Creates html stitchTiles attribute

Creates an svg stop element

Creates html stop-color attribute

Creates html stop-opacity attribute

Creates html strikethrough-position attribute

Creates html strikethrough-thickness attribute

Creates html string attribute

Creates html stroke attribute

Creates html stroke-dasharray attribute

Creates html stroke-dashoffset attribute

Creates html stroke-linecap attribute

Creates html stroke-linejoin attribute

Creates html stroke-miterlimit attribute

Creates html stroke-opacity attribute

Creates html stroke-width attribute

Creates an html strong element

A helper function which creates a style attribute by assembling the tuples into a string for the style value.

A helper function which creates a style attribute by assembling only the parts that passed the boolean flag.

A helper function to build styles by accepting pairs

Creates an html sub element

Creates an html sup element

Creates html surfaceScale attribute

Creates an svg svg element

creates an svg element with the tag, attributes and children. Example:

Creates an svg switch element

Creates an svg symbol element

Creates html systemLanguage attribute

Creates an html table element

Creates html tableValues attribute

Creates html targetX attribute

Creates html targetY attribute

Creates an html tbody element

Creates an html td element

Creates an html template element

Create a text node element

Creates html textLength attribute

Creates an svg textPath element

Creates html text-anchor attribute

Creates html text-decoration attribute

Creates html text-rendering attribute

Creates an html textarea element

Creates an html tfoot element

Creates an html th element

Creates an html thead element

Creates an html time element

Creates html to attribute

Creates an html tr element

Creates an html track element

Creates html transform attribute

Creates html translate attribute

Creates an svg tspan element

Creates html type attribute

Creates an html u element

Creates html u1 attribute

Creates html u2 attribute

Creates an html ul element

Creates html underline-position attribute

Creates html underline-thickness attribute

Creates html unicode attribute

Creates html unicode-bidi attribute

Creates html unicode-range attribute

Creates html units-per-em attribute

Creates an svg unknown element

Creates html usemap attribute

Creates html v-alphabetic attribute

Creates html v-hanging attribute

Creates html v-ideographic attribute

Creates html v-mathematical attribute

Creates html value attribute

Creates html values attribute

Creates an html var element

Creates html vector-effect attribute

Creates html version attribute

Creates html vert-adv-y attribute

Creates html vert-origin-x attribute

Creates html vert-origin-y attribute

Relative to 1% of the height of the viewport*

Creates an html video element

Creates an svg view element

Creates html viewBox attribute

Creates html viewTarget attribute

A help function which render the view when the condition is met, otherwise just display a span(vec![], vec![])

Creates html visibility attribute

Relative to 1% of the width of the viewport*

Creates an html wbr element

Creates html width attribute

Creates html widths attribute

utility function which returns the Window element

Creates html word-spacing attribute

Creates html wrap attribute

Creates html writing-mode attribute

Creates html x attribute

Creates html x1 attribute

Creates html x2 attribute

Creates html xChannelSelector attribute

Creates html x-height attribute

creates a function where the function name is the attribute name of the svg element

creates a function where the function name is the attribute name of the svg element

creates a function where the function name is the attribute name of the svg element

creates a function where the function name is the attribute name of the svg element

creates a function where the function name is the attribute name of the svg element

creates a function where the function name is the attribute name of the svg element

creates a function where the function name is the attribute name of the svg element

Creates html xml:base attribute

Creates html xml:lang attribute

Creates html xml:space attribute

Creates html xmlns attribute

Creates html xmlns:xlink attribute

Creates html y attribute

Creates html y1 attribute

Creates html y2 attribute

Creates html yChannelSelector attribute

Creates html z attribute

Creates html zoomAndPan attribute

Type Definitions

Attribute type used in sauron where the type of the Attribute name is &’static str

attribute keys or attribute names

alias Cmd to use Program as the APP

Element type with tag and attribute name type set to &’static str

namespace type in node, which could be change to an enum

A simplified version of saurdon_vdom node, where we supplied the type for the tag which is a &’static str. The missing type is now only MSG which will be supplied by the users App code.

Patch as result of diffing the current_vdom and the new vdom. The tag and attribute name types is set to &’static str

tags are using static str for now, can also be enum tags

Attribute Macros