Function sauron::html::element_ns[]

pub fn element_ns<NS, TAG, ATT, VAL, EVENT>(
    namespace: Option<NS>,
    tag: TAG,
    attrs: Vec<Attribute<NS, ATT, VAL, EVENT>, Global>,
    children: Vec<Node<NS, TAG, ATT, VAL, EVENT>, Global>,
    self_closing: bool
) -> Node<NS, TAG, ATT, VAL, EVENT> where
    TAG: PartialEq<TAG> + Clone + Debug,
    NS: PartialEq<NS> + Clone + Debug,
    ATT: PartialEq<ATT> + Clone + Debug,
    VAL: PartialEq<VAL> + Clone + Debug,
    EVENT: PartialEq<EVENT> + Clone + Debug
Expand description

create a virtual node with namespace, tag, attrs and children