samp 0.1.2

Tools to develop SA:MP plugins failed to build samp-0.1.2
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samp is a tool to develop plugins for samp servers written in rust.

project structure

  • samp is a glue between crates described below (that's what you need).
  • samp-codegen generates raw extern "C" functions and does whole nasty job.
  • samp-sdk contains all types to work with amx.


  • install rust compiler (supports only i686 os versions because of samp server arch).
  • add in your Cargo.toml this:
crate-type = ["cdylib"] # or dylib

samp = "0.2.5"
  • write your first plugin


  • simple memcache plugin in plugin-example folder.
  • your file
use samp::prelude::*; // export most useful types
use samp::{native, initialize_plugin}; // codegen macros

struct Plugin;

impl SampPlugin for Plugin {
// this function executed when samp server loads your plugin
fn on_load(&mut self) {
println!("Plugin is loaded.");

impl Plugin {
#[native(name = "TestNative")]
fn my_native(&mut self, _amx: &Amx, text: AmxString) -> AmxResult<bool> {
let text = text.to_string(); // convert amx string into rust string
println!("rust plugin: {}", text);


natives: [Plugin::my_native],
let plugin = Plugin; // create a plugin object
return plugin; // return the plugin into runtime