Crate salvia

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Incremental computing brought to async Rust.

Obligatory warning

This crate is highly experimental. Unless you absolutely need async consider using salsa instead.



salvia allows you to define queries (functions which values will be cached) and inputs (“functions” which value is set directly by user). Upon execution, queries record which other queries or inputs it called and can avoid recalculation when none of those values change.

salvia was inspired by salsa library. As a major difference from it, this crate was designed to work in async Rust from the start and had to make some concessions to achieve that.

Currently, only tokio runtime is supported.

Quick start

  1. Define inputs.

    Input acts as handle to storage for values of specific type. Inputs can be explicitly set, so they serve as a primary entry point for user data.

    Conceptually inputs are implemented as traits, so we will need a host type to attach input to.

    #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, salvia::InputAccess)]
    //                                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^
    // derive `InputAccess` to implement `get` and `set` functions on type
    enum Team {
    #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
    struct Score(u32);
    // implement `Input` trait to associate type with input
    impl salvia::Input<Score> for Team {
    //                 ^^^^^
    // generic param indicates the type of stored value
        fn initial(&self) -> Score {
        // ^^^^^^^
        // `initial` function will be called to initialize the storage if needed

    You can implement Input multiple times using different Value types.

    Deriving InputAccess implements two (generic) functions get and set on Host. Unlike normal derive macros InputAccess does not implement a trait, it rather implements functions directly on the type. For reasons behind this design (and alternatives) see input module.

  2. Define queries.

    Queries are pure functions which can call other queries or inputs. Do not forget to make them async!

    async fn leader(cx: &salvia::QueryContext) -> Option<Team> {
        //          ^^
        // query should take `&QueryContext` as last parameter...
        use std::cmp::Ordering;
        let red: Score = Team::Red.get(cx).await;
        //                             ^^
        // ... and just pass it into any other queries it calls
        let blue: Score = Team::Blue.get(cx).await;
        //                           ^^^
        // `get` is a query which allows you to access value of an input
        // it has signature of `async fn get<T>(self, &QueryContext) -> T`
        // you can use it similarly to `Iterator::collect()` by specifying expected type
        match red.cmp(&blue) {
            Ordering::Less => Some(Team::Blue),
            Ordering::Equal => None,
            Ordering::Greater => Some(Team::Red),

    The macro is not picky and supports transformation on all kinds of functions. Check #[query] attribute documentation to learn more about its usage.

  3. Create runtime

    Runtime holds references to internal storage and mediates synchronization.

    You can create one by calling to Runtime::new from inside a task:

    async fn main() {
        let rt = salvia::Runtime::new().await;

    new is guaranteed to return Poll::Ready, async is just a reminder that you have to call from within tokio context, runtime needs access to it to set up internal tasks.

    Alternatively, in synchronous context you can use Runtime::with_tokio:

    let tokio = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new()?;
    let rt = salvia::Runtime::with_tokio(&tokio);
  4. Run

    Now we can update inputs

    rt.mutate(|cx| async move {
        //     ^^
        // `Runtime::mutate` gives you access to `InputContext`
        Team::Red.set(Score(1), &cx).await;
        //        ^^^
        // `set` allows you to mutate an input
        // it has signature of `async fn set<T>(self, value: T, cx: &InputContext)`
        //                                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^
        // note that setters take `&InputContext`, a different context type from queries

    or run queries

    let leader = rt.query(|cx| async move {
        //                 ^^
        // `Runtime::query` gives you access to `QueryContext`
        //     ^
        // both `query` and `mutate` provide context by value,
        // so you need to reference it
    assert_eq!(leader, Some(Team::Red));

    Note that both Runtime::query and Runtime::mutate provide appropriate context by value, which is inconsistent with normal queries. Unfortunately this is caused by a long-standing issue between closures, async and lifetimes: currently there is no way to pass a reference into async closure and properly constrain lifetimes so it can be consumed by other functions :(

Required trait bounds

Core traits

All involved value types are required to implement selection of traits:

  • Clone - required to duplicate values to rerun queries and to clone cache contents
  • Eq - required to determine if queries are outdated and need to be rerun
  • Send - required to send between tasks (which potentially can send them between threads)
  • Sync - interestingly, Sync is not strictly required (in fact early prototypes didn’t use it at all), however it helps to avoid excess cloning in multiple cases
  • 'static - required to persist values and to send them between tasks

Clone + Eq + Send + Sync + 'static can be quite a mouthful to type, so salvia provides a special Stashable trait which can be used as a convenient shortcut.

Additional traits

Query parameters and input hosts are also required to implement Hash.

salvia’s unit of operation is bound query. Bound query is a combination of query with its parameter values. To draw an analogy if normal query is like a function then bound query is a closure which captures all parameters and forwards them to the function:

fn query(a: u32, b: f64, c: &str) {}

let a = 2;
let b = 3.5;
let c = "beautiful tree";

let bound_query = move || {
    // a, b, c is captured here
    query(a, b, c)

Why is this important? Bound queries are handled independently from each other and have separate caches. Which brings forth a question: how does framework finds its way back to a specific cache? Queries are represented as different functions so we can statically distinguish between them, but then we also need to do the same for parameter values.

salvia opts for simple solution: HashMap. The observation here is that types you can put into framework are “data-like”, so they almost never have a reason to not implement Hash.

It is possible to avoid this extra bound at the cost of linear lookup, but that hurts every other use case.

How it works

On important implementation details and how it affects runtime characteristics see runtime module-level documentation.


This crate provides following features:

  • async-trait - enable InputAccess trait, pulls in async-trait crate.

  • tracing - enable internal logging via tracing crate. It gets quite verbose, intended for debugging of salvia itself. Log contents are not part of SemVer guarantees. See CONTRIBUTING doc for more details on logging levels.

    You should not use it in production or enable in your lib: it silently modifies definition of Stashable by adding Debug trait.

  • nightly - enable some unstable features. At the moment it just enables doc_cfg, so it is only useful when compiling documentation.

Known limitations

  • Only tokio runtime is supported.

    But it should be possible to support other runtimes in the future as long as there are ways to abstract over them.

  • No proper Input trait.

    This is caused by lack of certain features in Rust type system, so it can be lifted in distant future. See input module documentation for details.

  • No serialization/deserialization capabilities.

    anymap2 crate is used internally which makes it unclear to how even approach this topic.

    See DESIGN_DOC for list of possible approaches.

  • No node deallocation.

    Currently nodes once started terminate only when runtime is dropped. That is a valid strategy, but can cause memory issues when too many queries with diverse sets of arguments are called.

    It should possible to implement some kind of cache invalidation system, but within the current architecture this will require periodically waking nodes at masse. This is against the core idea of laziness, so it is not implemented at the moment.

  • No external synchronization mechanisms.

    salvia provides only two internal synchronization mechanisms:

    • Runtime::query guarantees that all queries executed within it agree on which input values they see.
    • Runtime::mutate guarantees that passed closure is executed atomically w.r.t. to other calls to mutate.

    However there is no synchronization means between individual calls to query/mutate.

    You can sequence them by just polling one to completion before other:

    rt.mutate(|cx| async move {
        // change inputs...
    }).await; // this await makes sure that mutation went through
    rt.query(|cx| async move {
        // query values...
    }).await; // this await makes sure that query has finished

    However this does not guarantee that query will see exact same values that you just set: indeed it is possible for some other task to change an input value after mutate finishes but before query starts! Similarly, if two tasks try to write to the same input concurrently there are no guarantees about if and which value will be observed by queries. You can be sure that one value is going to persist (the one that arrived last), but it can be either of the two.

    If you are in need for more sophisticated dataflow control you should lean into normal async synchronization methods (manager tasks, semaphores, etc).

Similar projects

  • salsa


    • Both are based on pure functions
    • Both use query/input structure

    Key differences:

    • salsa is sync, salvia is async

    • salsa’s queries are resolved statically via traits, i.e. given a runtime you can only run queries implemented on it.

      salvia’s queries are resolved dynamically, i.e. you can run any query in any runtime.

  • futures_signals


    • Both deal with async

    Key differences:

    • futures_signals is a “push-based” framework, i.e.

      • computations are eager (introducing change causes computations),
      • computations are effectfull (operate with side-effects).

      salvia is “pull-based” framework, i.e.

      • computations are lazy (introducing change nas no extra consequences; performed only on request),
      • computations are pure (don’t produce side-effects).
    • salvia cares about result consistency: putting same inputs into computation necessarily produces the same outcome.


pub use node::input::Input;
pub use node::input::InputAccess;
pub use runtime::InputContext;
pub use runtime::QueryContext;
pub use runtime::Runtime;


Query and input details, storage tasks (nodes).

Runtime and contexts.


A shortcut for Clone + Eq + Send + Sync + 'static.

Attribute Macros

Turn async fn into salvia’s query.

Derive Macros

Implement get and set functions on input’s host type.