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SaltyRTC client implementation in Rust.

SaltyRTC is an end-to-end encrypted signalling protocol. It offers to freely choose from a range of signalling tasks, such as setting up a WebRTC or ORTC peer-to-peer connection, or using the WebSocket based signaling server as a relay. SaltyRTC is completely open to new and custom signalling tasks for everything feasible.

The implementation is asynchronous using Tokio / Futures.


To establish a SaltyRTC connection:

  1. Create an instance of a type that implements the Task interface.
  2. Using that task instance, create a SaltyClient instance using the SaltyClientBuilder.
  3. Create an instance of the Tokio reactor core.
  4. Create a connect future and an event channel using the connect function.
  5. Pass the result of the connect future to the do_handshake function.
  6. Pass the result of the handshake future (the WebSocket client) to the task_loop function.
  7. Send and receive data through the event channel returned by the connect function. Send and receive data through the task instance.

For a real-life example, please take a look at the chat example.


If you want timeouts (e.g. for connecting, for the handshake, etc) combine the futures with a timeout feature (for example from tokio-timer).


Cryptography-related types like public/private keys.
Re-exports of dependencies that are in the public API.
Error types used in saltyrtc-client.
Task related types.


A snapshot of the incoming and outgoing sequence numbers between the SaltyRTC client and the peer.
The SaltyRTC Client instance.
The builder instance returned by SaltyClient::build. Use this builder to construct a SaltyClient instance.
An unbounded channel sender/receiver pair.


Close codes used by SaltyRTC.
Non-message events that may happen during connection.
The role of a peer.


Connect to the specified SaltyRTC server.
Do the server and peer handshake.
Start the task loop.

Type Definitions

A type alias for a boxed future.
A type alias for the async websocket client type.