Expand description

The Safe Network messaging interface.

This modules defines the messages that can be handled by the Safe Network. In particular:

  • This module contains types that are common across the messaging API.
  • The serialisation module defines the wire format and message (de)serialization API.
  • The data module defines the data messages that clients and nodes send, and their possible responses.
  • The [node] module defines the messages that nodes can exchange on the network.
  • The [section_info] module defines the queries and responses for section information – these may be sent by both clients and nodes.


pub use self::serialisation::MsgType;
pub use self::serialisation::NodeMsgAuthority;


Data messages that clients and nodes can send. Data messages and their possible responses.

The wire format and message (de)serialization API.

BLS Signature aggregator

Operational Messages that can be exchanged on the network.


Verified authority.

Authority of a single peer that uses it’s BLS Keyshare to sign the message.

An EndUser is represented by a name which is mapped to

Unique ID for messages.

Authority of a single peer.

Authority of a whole section.

Details of section authority.

Authority of a network peer.

In order to send a message over the wire, it needs to be serialized along with a header (WireMsgHeader) which contains the information needed by the recipient to properly deserialize it. The WireMsg struct provides the utilities to serialize and deserialize messages.


Message destination location.

Errors that can occur when interacting with messaging APIs.

Source authority of a message.

Message source location.


Constant byte length of MsgId.


Verify authority.

Type Definitions

A specialised Result type for messaging APIs.