Module safe_network::messaging::node[][src]

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Messages that nodes can exchange on the network.


One signed failure for a DKG round by a given PublicKey

Dkg failure info for a round

Unique identifier of a DKG session.

The information about elder candidates in a DKG round.

Request to join a section as relocated from another section

Request to join a section

Signature created when a quorum of the section elders has agreed on something.

Container for storing information about other sections in the network.

Information about a member of our section.

Network p2p peer identity. When a node knows another p2p_node as a Peer it’s implicitly connected to it. This is separate from being connected at the network layer, which currently is handled by quic-p2p.

Details of a relocation: which node to relocate, where to relocate it to and what age it should get once relocated.

Details of a node relocation and new signed name

Relocate node of to section

Joining peer’s proof of resolvement of given resource proofing challenge.

Container for storing information about a section. All information about a section

A value together with the signature that it was agreed on by the majority of the section elders.

Container for storing information about members of our section.

Single share of KeyedSig.


Response to a request to join a section as relocated

Reason of a join request being rejected

Response to a request to join a section

Node’s current section membership state

Command message sent among nodes

Message sent over the among nodes

Query originating at a node

A step in the Propose-Broadcast-Aggregate-Execute workflow. A proposal about the state of the network This can be a result of seeing a node come online, go offline, changes to section info etc. Anything where we need section authority before action can be taken