Crate rymder

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🌌 rymder

Unofficial Rust client for Agones

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See the Agones Rust guide for context about how to use this client, which is mostly the same as the official client in the Agones repo.


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Any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in an Embark Studios project, shall comply with the Rust standard licensing model (MIT OR Apache 2.0) and therefore be dual licensed as described below, without any additional terms or conditions:


This contribution is dual licensed under EITHER OF

at your option.

For clarity, “your” refers to Embark or any other licensee/user of the contribution.


pub use errors::Error;
pub use futures_util;
pub use time;


Wrappers around various types generated from protobuf definitions to make them more ergonomic
The code generated from the agones protobuffer files


A strongly typed wrapper around the generated GameServer.
SDK is an instance of the Agones SDK