Trait rv::traits::ConjugatePrior

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pub trait ConjugatePrior<X, Fx>: Sampleable<Fx>
where Fx: HasDensity<X> + HasSuffStat<X>,
{ type Posterior: Sampleable<Fx>; type MCache; type PpCache; // Required methods fn posterior(&self, x: &DataOrSuffStat<'_, X, Fx>) -> Self::Posterior; fn ln_m_cache(&self) -> Self::MCache; fn ln_m_with_cache( &self, cache: &Self::MCache, x: &DataOrSuffStat<'_, X, Fx>, ) -> f64; fn ln_pp_cache(&self, x: &DataOrSuffStat<'_, X, Fx>) -> Self::PpCache; fn ln_pp_with_cache(&self, cache: &Self::PpCache, y: &X) -> f64; // Provided methods fn posterior_from_suffstat(&self, stat: &Fx::Stat) -> Self::Posterior { ... } fn ln_m(&self, x: &DataOrSuffStat<'_, X, Fx>) -> f64 { ... } fn ln_pp(&self, y: &X, x: &DataOrSuffStat<'_, X, Fx>) -> f64 { ... } fn m(&self, x: &DataOrSuffStat<'_, X, Fx>) -> f64 { ... } fn pp_with_cache(&self, cache: &Self::PpCache, y: &X) -> f64 { ... } fn pp(&self, y: &X, x: &DataOrSuffStat<'_, X, Fx>) -> f64 { ... } }
Expand description

A prior on Fx that induces a posterior that is the same form as the prior


Conjugate analysis of coin flips using Bernoulli with a Beta prior on the success probability.

use rv::traits::ConjugatePrior;
use rv::dist::{Bernoulli, Beta};

let flips = vec![true, false, false];
let prior = Beta::jeffreys();

// If we observe more false than true, the posterior predictive
// probability of true decreases.
let pp_no_obs = prior.pp(&true, &(&vec![]).into());
let pp_obs = prior.pp(&true, &(&flips).into());

assert!(pp_obs < pp_no_obs);

Use a cache to speed up repeated computations.

use rv::traits::*;
use rv::traits::SuffStat;
use rv::dist::{Categorical, SymmetricDirichlet};
use rv::data::{CategoricalSuffStat, DataOrSuffStat};
use std::time::Instant;

let ncats = 10;
let symdir = SymmetricDirichlet::jeffreys(ncats).unwrap();
let mut suffstat = CategoricalSuffStat::new(10);
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();

Categorical::new(&vec![1.0, 1.0, 5.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    .sample_stream(&mut rng)
    .for_each(|x: u8| suffstat.observe(&x));

let stat = DataOrSuffStat::SuffStat(&suffstat);

// Get predictions from predictive distribution using the cache
let t_cache = {
    let t_start = Instant::now();
    let cache = symdir.ln_pp_cache(&stat);
    // Argmax
    let k_max = (0..ncats).fold((0, f64::NEG_INFINITY), |(ix, f), y| {
            let f_r = symdir.ln_pp_with_cache(&cache, &y);
            if f_r > f {
                (y, f_r)
            } else {
                (ix, f)


    assert_eq!(k_max.0, 2);

// Get predictions from predictive distribution w/o cache
let t_no_cache = {
    let t_start = Instant::now();
    // Argmax
    let k_max = (0..ncats).fold((0, f64::NEG_INFINITY), |(ix, f), y| {
            let f_r = symdir.ln_pp(&y, &stat);
            if f_r > f {
                (y, f_r)
            } else {
                (ix, f)


    assert_eq!(k_max.0, 2);

// Using cache improves runtime
assert!(t_no_cache.as_nanos() > t_cache.as_nanos());

Required Associated Types§


type Posterior: Sampleable<Fx>

Type of the posterior distribution


type MCache

Type of the cache for the marginal likelihood


type PpCache

Type of the cache for the posterior predictive

Required Methods§


fn posterior(&self, x: &DataOrSuffStat<'_, X, Fx>) -> Self::Posterior


fn ln_m_cache(&self) -> Self::MCache

Compute the cache for the log marginal likelihood.


fn ln_m_with_cache( &self, cache: &Self::MCache, x: &DataOrSuffStat<'_, X, Fx>, ) -> f64

Log marginal likelihood with supplied cache.


fn ln_pp_cache(&self, x: &DataOrSuffStat<'_, X, Fx>) -> Self::PpCache

Compute the cache for the Log posterior predictive of y given x.

The cache should encompass all information about x.


fn ln_pp_with_cache(&self, cache: &Self::PpCache, y: &X) -> f64

Log posterior predictive of y given x with supplied ln(norm)

Provided Methods§


fn posterior_from_suffstat(&self, stat: &Fx::Stat) -> Self::Posterior

Computes the posterior distribution from the data


fn ln_m(&self, x: &DataOrSuffStat<'_, X, Fx>) -> f64

The log marginal likelihood


fn ln_pp(&self, y: &X, x: &DataOrSuffStat<'_, X, Fx>) -> f64

Log posterior predictive of y given x


fn m(&self, x: &DataOrSuffStat<'_, X, Fx>) -> f64

Marginal likelihood of x


fn pp_with_cache(&self, cache: &Self::PpCache, y: &X) -> f64


fn pp(&self, y: &X, x: &DataOrSuffStat<'_, X, Fx>) -> f64

Posterior Predictive distribution

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl ConjugatePrior<f64, Gaussian> for NormalGamma


impl ConjugatePrior<f64, Gaussian> for NormalInvChiSquared


impl ConjugatePrior<f64, Gaussian> for NormalInvGamma


impl ConjugatePrior<u8, Poisson> for Gamma


type Posterior = Gamma


type MCache = f64


type PpCache = (f64, f64, f64)


impl ConjugatePrior<u16, Poisson> for Gamma


type Posterior = Gamma


type MCache = f64


type PpCache = (f64, f64, f64)


impl ConjugatePrior<u32, Poisson> for Gamma


type Posterior = Gamma


type MCache = f64


type PpCache = (f64, f64, f64)


impl ConjugatePrior<usize, StickBreakingDiscrete> for StickBreaking

Implementation of the ConjugatePrior trait for the StickBreaking struct.


impl ConjugatePrior<Matrix<f64, Dyn, Const<1>, VecStorage<f64, Dyn, Const<1>>>, MvGaussian> for NormalInvWishart


impl<X: Booleable> ConjugatePrior<X, Bernoulli> for Beta


type Posterior = Beta


type MCache = f64


type PpCache = (f64, f64)


impl<X: Booleable> ConjugatePrior<X, Bernoulli> for UnitPowerLaw


type Posterior = Beta


type MCache = f64


type PpCache = (f64, f64)


impl<X: CategoricalDatum> ConjugatePrior<X, Categorical> for Dirichlet


impl<X: CategoricalDatum> ConjugatePrior<X, Categorical> for SymmetricDirichlet