/* automatically generated by rust-bindgen */

pub const WREN_VERSION_MAJOR : u32 = 0 ; pub const WREN_VERSION_MINOR : u32 = 3 ; pub const WREN_VERSION_PATCH : u32 = 0 ; pub const WREN_VERSION_STRING : & 'static [ u8 ; 6usize ] = b"0.3.0\0" ; pub const WREN_VERSION_NUMBER : u32 = 3000 ; pub const WREN_NAN_TAGGING : u32 = 1 ; pub const WREN_COMPUTED_GOTO : u32 = 1 ; pub const WREN_OPT_META : u32 = 1 ; pub const WREN_OPT_RANDOM : u32 = 1 ; pub const WREN_DEBUG_GC_STRESS : u32 = 0 ; pub const WREN_DEBUG_TRACE_MEMORY : u32 = 0 ; pub const WREN_DEBUG_TRACE_GC : u32 = 0 ; pub const WREN_DEBUG_DUMP_COMPILED_CODE : u32 = 0 ; pub const WREN_DEBUG_TRACE_INSTRUCTIONS : u32 = 0 ; pub type size_t = :: std :: os :: raw :: c_ulong ; # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct WrenVM { _unused : [ u8 ; 0 ] , } # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct WrenHandle { _unused : [ u8 ; 0 ] , } pub type WrenReallocateFn = :: std :: option :: Option < unsafe extern "C" fn ( memory : * mut :: std :: os :: raw :: c_void , newSize : size_t ) -> * mut :: std :: os :: raw :: c_void > ; pub type WrenForeignMethodFn = :: std :: option :: Option < unsafe extern "C" fn ( vm : * mut WrenVM ) > ; pub type WrenFinalizerFn = :: std :: option :: Option < unsafe extern "C" fn ( data : * mut :: std :: os :: raw :: c_void ) > ; pub type WrenResolveModuleFn = :: std :: option :: Option < unsafe extern "C" fn ( vm : * mut WrenVM , importer : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , name : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char ) -> * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char > ; pub type WrenLoadModuleFn = :: std :: option :: Option < unsafe extern "C" fn ( vm : * mut WrenVM , name : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char ) -> * mut :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char > ; pub type WrenBindForeignMethodFn = :: std :: option :: Option < unsafe extern "C" fn ( vm : * mut WrenVM , module : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , className : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , isStatic : bool , signature : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char ) -> WrenForeignMethodFn > ; pub type WrenWriteFn = :: std :: option :: Option < unsafe extern "C" fn ( vm : * mut WrenVM , text : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char ) > ; pub const WrenErrorType_WREN_ERROR_COMPILE : WrenErrorType = 0 ; pub const WrenErrorType_WREN_ERROR_RUNTIME : WrenErrorType = 1 ; pub const WrenErrorType_WREN_ERROR_STACK_TRACE : WrenErrorType = 2 ; pub type WrenErrorType = u32 ; pub type WrenErrorFn = :: std :: option :: Option < unsafe extern "C" fn ( vm : * mut WrenVM , type_ : WrenErrorType , module : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , line : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int , message : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char ) > ; # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct WrenForeignClassMethods { pub allocate : WrenForeignMethodFn , pub finalize : WrenFinalizerFn , } # [ test ] fn bindgen_test_layout_WrenForeignClassMethods ( ) { assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: size_of :: < WrenForeignClassMethods > ( ) , 16usize , concat ! ( "Size of: " , stringify ! ( WrenForeignClassMethods ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: align_of :: < WrenForeignClassMethods > ( ) , 8usize , concat ! ( "Alignment of " , stringify ! ( WrenForeignClassMethods ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WrenForeignClassMethods > ( ) ) ) . allocate as * const _ as usize } , 0usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WrenForeignClassMethods ) , "::" , stringify ! ( allocate ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WrenForeignClassMethods > ( ) ) ) . finalize as * const _ as usize } , 8usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WrenForeignClassMethods ) , "::" , stringify ! ( finalize ) ) ) ; } pub type WrenBindForeignClassFn = :: std :: option :: Option < unsafe extern "C" fn ( vm : * mut WrenVM , module : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , className : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char ) -> WrenForeignClassMethods > ; # [ repr ( C ) ] # [ derive ( Debug , Copy , Clone ) ] pub struct WrenConfiguration { pub reallocateFn : WrenReallocateFn , pub resolveModuleFn : WrenResolveModuleFn , pub loadModuleFn : WrenLoadModuleFn , pub bindForeignMethodFn : WrenBindForeignMethodFn , pub bindForeignClassFn : WrenBindForeignClassFn , pub writeFn : WrenWriteFn , pub errorFn : WrenErrorFn , pub initialHeapSize : size_t , pub minHeapSize : size_t , pub heapGrowthPercent : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int , pub userData : * mut :: std :: os :: raw :: c_void , } # [ test ] fn bindgen_test_layout_WrenConfiguration ( ) { assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: size_of :: < WrenConfiguration > ( ) , 88usize , concat ! ( "Size of: " , stringify ! ( WrenConfiguration ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( :: std :: mem :: align_of :: < WrenConfiguration > ( ) , 8usize , concat ! ( "Alignment of " , stringify ! ( WrenConfiguration ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WrenConfiguration > ( ) ) ) . reallocateFn as * const _ as usize } , 0usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WrenConfiguration ) , "::" , stringify ! ( reallocateFn ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WrenConfiguration > ( ) ) ) . resolveModuleFn as * const _ as usize } , 8usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WrenConfiguration ) , "::" , stringify ! ( resolveModuleFn ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WrenConfiguration > ( ) ) ) . loadModuleFn as * const _ as usize } , 16usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WrenConfiguration ) , "::" , stringify ! ( loadModuleFn ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WrenConfiguration > ( ) ) ) . bindForeignMethodFn as * const _ as usize } , 24usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WrenConfiguration ) , "::" , stringify ! ( bindForeignMethodFn ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WrenConfiguration > ( ) ) ) . bindForeignClassFn as * const _ as usize } , 32usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WrenConfiguration ) , "::" , stringify ! ( bindForeignClassFn ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WrenConfiguration > ( ) ) ) . writeFn as * const _ as usize } , 40usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WrenConfiguration ) , "::" , stringify ! ( writeFn ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WrenConfiguration > ( ) ) ) . errorFn as * const _ as usize } , 48usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WrenConfiguration ) , "::" , stringify ! ( errorFn ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WrenConfiguration > ( ) ) ) . initialHeapSize as * const _ as usize } , 56usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WrenConfiguration ) , "::" , stringify ! ( initialHeapSize ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WrenConfiguration > ( ) ) ) . minHeapSize as * const _ as usize } , 64usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WrenConfiguration ) , "::" , stringify ! ( minHeapSize ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WrenConfiguration > ( ) ) ) . heapGrowthPercent as * const _ as usize } , 72usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WrenConfiguration ) , "::" , stringify ! ( heapGrowthPercent ) ) ) ; assert_eq ! ( unsafe { & ( * ( :: std :: ptr :: null :: < WrenConfiguration > ( ) ) ) . userData as * const _ as usize } , 80usize , concat ! ( "Offset of field: " , stringify ! ( WrenConfiguration ) , "::" , stringify ! ( userData ) ) ) ; } pub const WrenInterpretResult_WREN_RESULT_SUCCESS : WrenInterpretResult = 0 ; pub const WrenInterpretResult_WREN_RESULT_COMPILE_ERROR : WrenInterpretResult = 1 ; pub const WrenInterpretResult_WREN_RESULT_RUNTIME_ERROR : WrenInterpretResult = 2 ; pub type WrenInterpretResult = u32 ; pub const WrenType_WREN_TYPE_BOOL : WrenType = 0 ; pub const WrenType_WREN_TYPE_NUM : WrenType = 1 ; pub const WrenType_WREN_TYPE_FOREIGN : WrenType = 2 ; pub const WrenType_WREN_TYPE_LIST : WrenType = 3 ; pub const WrenType_WREN_TYPE_NULL : WrenType = 4 ; pub const WrenType_WREN_TYPE_STRING : WrenType = 5 ; pub const WrenType_WREN_TYPE_UNKNOWN : WrenType = 6 ; pub type WrenType = u32 ; extern "C" { pub fn wrenInitConfiguration ( configuration : * mut WrenConfiguration ) ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenNewVM ( configuration : * mut WrenConfiguration ) -> * mut WrenVM ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenFreeVM ( vm : * mut WrenVM ) ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenCollectGarbage ( vm : * mut WrenVM ) ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenInterpret ( vm : * mut WrenVM , module : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , source : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char ) -> WrenInterpretResult ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenMakeCallHandle ( vm : * mut WrenVM , signature : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char ) -> * mut WrenHandle ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenCall ( vm : * mut WrenVM , method : * mut WrenHandle ) -> WrenInterpretResult ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenReleaseHandle ( vm : * mut WrenVM , handle : * mut WrenHandle ) ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenGetSlotCount ( vm : * mut WrenVM ) -> :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenEnsureSlots ( vm : * mut WrenVM , numSlots : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ) ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenGetSlotType ( vm : * mut WrenVM , slot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ) -> WrenType ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenGetSlotBool ( vm : * mut WrenVM , slot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ) -> bool ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenGetSlotBytes ( vm : * mut WrenVM , slot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int , length : * mut :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ) -> * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenGetSlotDouble ( vm : * mut WrenVM , slot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ) -> f64 ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenGetSlotForeign ( vm : * mut WrenVM , slot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ) -> * mut :: std :: os :: raw :: c_void ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenGetSlotString ( vm : * mut WrenVM , slot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ) -> * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenGetSlotHandle ( vm : * mut WrenVM , slot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ) -> * mut WrenHandle ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenSetSlotBool ( vm : * mut WrenVM , slot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int , value : bool ) ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenSetSlotBytes ( vm : * mut WrenVM , slot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int , bytes : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , length : size_t ) ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenSetSlotDouble ( vm : * mut WrenVM , slot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int , value : f64 ) ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenSetSlotNewForeign ( vm : * mut WrenVM , slot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int , classSlot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int , size : size_t ) -> * mut :: std :: os :: raw :: c_void ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenSetSlotNewList ( vm : * mut WrenVM , slot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ) ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenSetSlotNull ( vm : * mut WrenVM , slot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ) ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenSetSlotString ( vm : * mut WrenVM , slot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int , text : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char ) ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenSetSlotHandle ( vm : * mut WrenVM , slot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int , handle : * mut WrenHandle ) ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenGetListCount ( vm : * mut WrenVM , slot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ) -> :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenGetListElement ( vm : * mut WrenVM , listSlot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int , index : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int , elementSlot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ) ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenInsertInList ( vm : * mut WrenVM , listSlot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int , index : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int , elementSlot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ) ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenGetVariable ( vm : * mut WrenVM , module : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , name : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , slot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ) ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenAbortFiber ( vm : * mut WrenVM , slot : :: std :: os :: raw :: c_int ) ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenGetUserData ( vm : * mut WrenVM ) -> * mut :: std :: os :: raw :: c_void ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenSetUserData ( vm : * mut WrenVM , userData : * mut :: std :: os :: raw :: c_void ) ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenMetaSource ( ) -> * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenMetaBindForeignMethod ( vm : * mut WrenVM , className : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , isStatic : bool , signature : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char ) -> WrenForeignMethodFn ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenRandomSource ( ) -> * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenRandomBindForeignClass ( vm : * mut WrenVM , module : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , className : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char ) -> WrenForeignClassMethods ; } extern "C" { pub fn wrenRandomBindForeignMethod ( vm : * mut WrenVM , className : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , isStatic : bool , signature : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char ) -> WrenForeignMethodFn ; }