Expand description
Crate with bindings to telegram bot api. For usage details see example below and tests in basic_req_res_tests.rs
You can find all implemented methods in requests
A simple greetings bot. Replies to all messages with text “Hello %USERNAME%”
use std::env;
use futures_util::StreamExt;
use rutebot::client::Rutebot;
use rutebot::requests::{SendMessage};
use rutebot::responses::Update;
use std::error::Error;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let token_env = env::var_os("TELEGRAM_TOKEN")
.expect("Please specify your bot's token in the TELEGRAM_TOKEN environment variable.");
let token = token_env.to_string_lossy();
let rutebot = Rutebot::new(token);
let mut updates_stream = Box::pin(rutebot.incoming_updates(None, None));
while let Some(update) = updates_stream.next().await.transpose()? {
let create_reply_request = |update: Update| {
let message = update.message?;
let response_message = format!("Hello {}", message.from?.first_name);
let reply =
SendMessage::new_reply(message.chat.id, &response_message, message.message_id);
if let Some(reply) = create_reply_request(update) {
- Types for sending requests to telegram bot api
- Errors definitions
- Requests for
. Each request struct represent some method telegram bot api - Telegram bot api responses