[][src]Macro rustypy::unpack_pytuple

macro_rules! unpack_pytuple {
    ($t:ident; ($($p:tt,)+) ) => { ... };
    ($t:ident; $i:ident; elem: ($($p:tt,)+)) => { ... };
    ($t:ident; $i:ident; elem: {PyDict{$u:tt}}) => { ... };
    ($t:ident; $i:ident; elem: {PyList{$($u:tt)*}}) => { ... };
    ($t:ident; $i:ident; elem: PyBool) => { ... };
    ($t:ident; $i:ident; elem: PyString) => { ... };
    ($t:ident; $i:ident; elem: I64) => { ... };
    ($t:ident; $i:ident; elem: I32) => { ... };
    ($t:ident; $i:ident; elem: I16) => { ... };
    ($t:ident; $i:ident; elem: I8) => { ... };
    ($t:ident; $i:ident; elem: U32) => { ... };
    ($t:ident; $i:ident; elem: U16) => { ... };
    ($t:ident; $i:ident; elem: U8) => { ... };
    ($t:ident; $i:ident; elem: F32) => { ... };
    ($t:ident; $i:ident; elem: F64) => { ... };

Iterates over a a PyTuple and returns a corresponding Rust tuple.

When destructured all inner data is moved out of the tuple which will retain the structure but will point to PyArg::None variant, so is safe to assume the PyTuple as consumed.

Inner containers (ie. PyList<PyArg(T)>) are converted to the respective Rust analog (ie. Vec<T>) and require valid syntax for their respective unpack macro (ie. unpack_pylist!).


Unpack a PyTuple which contains a two PyDict types with PyString keys and values of PyList:

// tuple from Python: ({"one": [0, 1, 3]}, {"two": [3, 2, 1]})
let unpacked = unpack_pytuple!(pytuple; ({PyDict{(PyString, PyList{I32 => i64})}},
                                         {PyDict{(PyString, PyList{I32 => i64})}},));