Crate rusty_engine

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Rusty Engine is a simple, 2D game engine for those who are learning Rust. Create simple game prototypes using straightforward Rust code without any advanced game engine concepts! It works on macOS, Linux, and Windows. Rusty Engine is a simplification wrapper over Bevy, which I encourage you to use directly for more serious game engine needs.

Quick Start Example

You start by importing rusty_engine::prelude::*, define your own GameState struct, create a Game, set up your game, and then call Game::run.

use rusty_engine::prelude::*;

// Define a struct to hold custom data for your game (it can be a lot more complicated than this one!)
struct GameState {
    health: i32,

fn main() {
    // Create a game
    let mut game = Game::new();
    // Set up your game. `Game` exposes all of the methods and fields of `Engine`.
    let sprite = game.add_sprite("player", SpritePreset::RacingCarBlue);
    sprite.scale = 2.0;
    game.audio_manager.play_music(MusicPreset::Classy8Bit, 1.0);
    // Add one or more functions with logic for your game. When the game is run, the logic
    // functions will run in the order they were added.
    // Run the game, with an initial state
    let initial_game_state = GameState { health: 100 };;

// Your game logic functions can be named anything, but the first parameter is always a
// `&mut Engine`, and the second parameter is a mutable reference to your custom game
// state struct (`&mut GameState` in this case).
// This function will be run once each frame.
fn game_logic(engine: &mut Engine, game_state: &mut GameState) {
    // The `Engine` contains all sorts of built-in goodies.
    // Get access to the player sprite...
    let player = engine.sprites.get_mut("player").unwrap();
    // Rotate the player...
    player.rotation += std::f32::consts::PI * engine.delta_f32;
    // Damage the player if it is out of bounds...
    if player.translation.x > 100.0 { -= 1;

Asset Licenses

All assets included with this game engine have the appropriate license described and linked to in a file in the same directory as the source files. In most cases, the license is CC0 1.0 Universal–meaning you may do whatever you wish with the asset.

One notable exception is some of the music files, which are under a different license and include specific attribution requirements that must be met in order to be used legally when distributed. Please see this file for more information.


Facilities for interacting with audio, including: AudioManager, MusicPreset, and SfxPreset
Facilities for dealing with keyboard input
Facilities for dealing with mouse input
Rusty Engine’s custom collision detection implementation.


The rotation (in radians) for a sprite to face down
The rotation (in radians) for a sprite to face east
The rotation (in radians) for a sprite to face left
The rotation (in radians) for a sprite to face north
The rotation (in radians) for a sprite to face north east
The rotation (in radians) for a sprite to face north west
The rotation (in radians) for a sprite to face right
The rotation (in radians) for a sprite to face south
The rotation (in radians) for a sprite to face south east
The rotation (in radians) for a sprite to face south west
The rotation (in radians) for a sprite to face up
The rotation (in radians) for a sprite to face west