Expand description


rustea is a small crate for easily creating cross-platform TUI applications. It is based off of the original go-tea created by TJ Holowaychuk.


pub extern crate crossterm;



Event representing a terminal resize (x, y). Boxed as a message so it can be sent to the application.


The trait your model must implement in order to be run.


Enables mouse capture events on your application.

Runs your application.

Type Definitions

A boxed function or closure that performs computations and optionally dispatches messages. All commands are processed in their own threads, so blocking commands are totally fine. Frequently, data needs to be passed to commands. Since commands take no arguments, a common solution to this is to build constructor functions.

Any boxed type that may or may not contain data. They are fed to your applications update method to tell it how and what to update.