Crate rustc_ap_rustc_ast[][src]

Expand description

The Rust parser and macro expander.


This API is completely unstable and subject to change.


pub use self::ast::*;
pub use self::ast_like::AstLike;


The Rust abstract syntax tree module.

Functions dealing with attributes and meta items.

Definitions shared by macros / syntax extensions and e.g. rustc_middle.

A MutVisitor represents an AST modification; it accepts an AST piece and and mutates it in place. So, for instance, macro expansion is a MutVisitor that walks over an AST and modifies it.

The AST pointer.

Token Streams

AST walker. Each overridden visit method has full control over what happens with its node, it can do its own traversal of the node’s children, call visit::walk_* to apply the default traversal algorithm, or prevent deeper traversal by doing nothing.



Requirements for a StableHashingContext to be used in this crate. This is a hack to allow using the HashStable_Generic derive macro instead of implementing everything in rustc_middle.