Expand description

The rust_xlsxwriter_derive crate provides the XlsxSerialize derived trait which is used in conjunction with rust_xlsxwriter serialization.


XlsxSerialize can be used to set container and field attributes for structs to define Excel formatting and other options when serializing them to Excel using rust_xlsxwriter and Serde.

use rust_xlsxwriter::{Workbook, XlsxError, XlsxSerialize};
use serde::Serialize;

fn main() -> Result<(), XlsxError> {
    let mut workbook = Workbook::new();

    // Add a worksheet to the workbook.
    let worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet();

    // Create a serializable struct.
    #[derive(XlsxSerialize, Serialize)]
    #[xlsx(header_format = Format::new().set_bold())]
    struct Produce {
        #[xlsx(rename = "Item")]
        #[xlsx(column_width = 12.0)]
        fruit: &'static str,

        #[xlsx(rename = "Price")]
        #[xlsx(value_format = Format::new().set_num_format("$0.00"))]
        cost: f64,

    // Create some data instances.
    let item1 = Produce {
        fruit: "Peach",
        cost: 1.05,

    let item2 = Produce {
        fruit: "Plum",
        cost: 0.15,

    let item3 = Produce {
        fruit: "Pear",
        cost: 0.75,

    // Set the serialization location and headers.
    worksheet.set_serialize_headers::<Produce>(0, 0)?;

    // Serialize the data.

    // Save the file to disk.


The output file is shown below. Note the change or column width in Column A, the renamed headers and the currency format in Column B numbers.

For more information see the documentation for XlsxSerialize or Working with Serde in the rust_xlsxwriter docs.

Derive Macros§

  • The XlsxSerialize derived trait is used in conjunction with rust_xlsxwriter serialization.