Expand description

High performance tokenizers for Rust

This crate contains implementation of common tokenizers used in state-of-the-art language models. It is usd as the reference tokenization crate of rust-bert, exposing modern transformer-based models such as BERT, RoBERTa, GPT2, BART, XLNet…

The following tokenizers have been implemented and validated against a Python reference implementation:

  • Sentence Piece (unigram model)
  • BERT
  • DistilBERT
  • RoBERTa
  • FNet
  • GPT
  • GPT2
  • CTRL
  • ProphetNet
  • XLNet
  • Pegasus
  • MBart50
  • DeBERTa
  • DeBERTa (v2)

The library is structured into vocabularies (for the encoding and decoding of the tokens and registration of special tokens) and tokenizers (splitting the input text into tokens). Generally, a tokenizer will contain a reference vocabulary that may be used as part of the tokenization process (for example, containing a list of subwords or merges).

Usage example

use rust_tokenizers::adapters::Example;
use rust_tokenizers::tokenizer::{BertTokenizer, Tokenizer, TruncationStrategy};
use rust_tokenizers::vocab::{BertVocab, Vocab};
let vocab_path = "path/to/vocab";
let vocab = BertVocab::from_file(&vocab_path)?;

let test_sentence = Example::new_from_string("This is a sample sentence to be tokenized");
let bert_tokenizer: BertTokenizer = BertTokenizer::from_existing_vocab(vocab, true, true);



Adapter helpers to load datasets

Tokenizer error variants





Offset information (in unicode points) to relate a token back to its original input string

Owned token that references the original text but stores its own string representation.

Encoded sequence

Encoded input with special tokens

Reference token that references the original text, with a string slice representation

Tokenized Input, ready for processing in language models

Tokenized sequence


Type indication for tokens (e.g. special token, white space, unknown…)



Token abstraction trait to access token fields, irrespective of their form (reference of owned)

Type Definitions

Crate-wide primitive used to store offset positions