[][src]Trait rust_tokenizers::tokenizer::Tokenizer

pub trait Tokenizer<T: Vocab> {
    fn vocab(&self) -> &T;
fn tokenize_to_tokens(&self, text: TokenRef<'_>) -> Vec<Token>; fn tokenize<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, text: S) -> Vec<String> { ... }
fn tokenize_with_offsets<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, text: S) -> TokensWithOffsets { ... }
fn tokenize_list<S, ST>(&self, text_list: S) -> Vec<Vec<String>>
        S: AsRef<[ST]>,
        ST: AsRef<str>
, { ... }
fn tokenize_list_with_offsets<S, ST>(
        text_list: S
    ) -> Vec<TokensWithOffsets>
        S: AsRef<[ST]>,
        ST: AsRef<str>
, { ... }
fn convert_tokens_to_ids<S, ST>(&self, tokens: S) -> Vec<i64>
        S: AsRef<[ST]>,
        ST: AsRef<str>
, { ... }
fn encode<S: AsRef<str>>(
        text_1: S,
        text_2: Option<S>,
        max_len: usize,
        truncation_strategy: &TruncationStrategy,
        stride: usize
    ) -> TokenizedInput { ... }
fn encode_list<S, ST>(
        text_list: S,
        max_len: usize,
        truncation_strategy: &TruncationStrategy,
        stride: usize
    ) -> Vec<TokenizedInput>
        S: AsRef<[ST]>,
        ST: AsRef<str>
, { ... }
fn encode_pair_list<S, ST>(
        text_list: S,
        max_len: usize,
        truncation_strategy: &TruncationStrategy,
        stride: usize
    ) -> Vec<TokenizedInput>
        S: AsRef<[(ST, ST)]>,
        ST: AsRef<str>
, { ... }
fn decode_to_vec(
        token_ids: Vec<i64>,
        skip_special_tokens: bool
    ) -> Vec<String> { ... }
fn decode(
        token_ids: Vec<i64>,
        skip_special_tokens: bool,
        clean_up_tokenization_spaces: bool
    ) -> String { ... }
fn convert_tokens_to_string(&self, tokens: Vec<String>) -> String { ... }
fn clean_up_tokenization(&self, input_string: String) -> String { ... }
fn decode_list(
        token_ids_list: Vec<Vec<i64>>,
        skip_special_tokens: bool,
        clean_up_tokenization_spaces: bool
    ) -> Vec<String> { ... }
fn build_input_with_special_tokens(
        tokens_ids_with_offsets_1: TokenIdsWithOffsets,
        tokens_ids_with_offsets_2: Option<TokenIdsWithOffsets>
    ) -> TokenIdsWithSpecialTokens { ... } }

Required methods

fn vocab(&self) -> &T

returns a reference to the tokenizer vocabulary

fn tokenize_to_tokens(&self, text: TokenRef<'_>) -> Vec<Token>

Tokenize a TokenRef, returning a sequence of tokens


  • text (TokenRef): TokenRef to tokenize (this is especially useful for nested tokenization, where a tokenizer is called on the ouput of a pre-tokenizer, such as BERT).


Vec<Token> tokenization of the original TokenRef


use itertools::Itertools;
use rust_tokenizers::tokenizer::{BaseTokenizer, Tokenizer};
use rust_tokenizers::vocab::BaseVocab;
use rust_tokenizers::{OffsetSize, TokenRef};
let strip_accents = false;
let lower_case = false;
let tokenizer: BaseTokenizer<BaseVocab> =
    BaseTokenizer::from_file("path/to/vocab/file", lower_case, strip_accents).unwrap();

let text = "Hello, world!";
let offsets = (0..text.len() as OffsetSize).collect_vec();
let text = TokenRef::new(text, &offsets);
let tokens = tokenizer.tokenize_to_tokens(text);
Loading content...

Provided methods

fn tokenize<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, text: S) -> Vec<String>

Tokenize a string, returns a vector of tokens as strings. Use tokenize_with_offsets or tokenize_to_tokens to return offset information.


  • text : text (string-like) to tokenize


Vec<String> containing the tokens string representation


use rust_tokenizers::tokenizer::{BaseTokenizer, Tokenizer};
use rust_tokenizers::vocab::BaseVocab;
let strip_accents = false;
let lower_case = false;
let tokenizer: BaseTokenizer<BaseVocab> =
    BaseTokenizer::from_file("path/to/vocab/file", lower_case, strip_accents).unwrap();

let text = "Hello, world!";
let tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text);

fn tokenize_with_offsets<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, text: S) -> TokensWithOffsets

Tokenize a string, returning tokens with offset information


  • text : text (string-like) to tokenize


TokensWithOffsets with the tokens and their offset information


use rust_tokenizers::tokenizer::{BaseTokenizer, Tokenizer};
use rust_tokenizers::vocab::BaseVocab;
let strip_accents = false;
let lower_case = false;
let tokenizer: BaseTokenizer<BaseVocab> =
    BaseTokenizer::from_file("path/to/vocab/file", lower_case, strip_accents).unwrap();

let text = "Hello, world!";
let tokens = tokenizer.tokenize_with_offsets(text);

fn tokenize_list<S, ST>(&self, text_list: S) -> Vec<Vec<String>> where
    S: AsRef<[ST]>,
    ST: AsRef<str>, 

Tokenize a list of strings, returning tokens with offset information


  • text_list: list of strings to tokenize


Vec<Vec<String>> with the token strings representation


use rust_tokenizers::tokenizer::{BaseTokenizer, Tokenizer};
use rust_tokenizers::vocab::BaseVocab;
let strip_accents = false;
let lower_case = false;
let tokenizer: BaseTokenizer<BaseVocab> =
    BaseTokenizer::from_file("path/to/vocab/file", lower_case, strip_accents).unwrap();

let texts = ["Hello, world!", "Second sentence"];
let tokens = tokenizer.tokenize_list(&texts);

fn tokenize_list_with_offsets<S, ST>(
    text_list: S
) -> Vec<TokensWithOffsets> where
    S: AsRef<[ST]>,
    ST: AsRef<str>, 

Tokenize a list of strings, where each corresponds to for example a sentence, returns a vector of TokensWithOffsets containing the tokens and their offset information. This calls tokenize_with_offsets on the list provided.


  • text_list: list of strings to tokenize


Vec<TokensWithOffsets> with the token strings representation and offsets


use rust_tokenizers::tokenizer::{BaseTokenizer, Tokenizer};
use rust_tokenizers::vocab::BaseVocab;
let strip_accents = false;
let lower_case = false;
let tokenizer: BaseTokenizer<BaseVocab> =
    BaseTokenizer::from_file("path/to/vocab/file", lower_case, strip_accents).unwrap();

let text = ["Hello, world!", "Second sentence"];
let tokens = tokenizer.tokenize_list_with_offsets(&text);

fn convert_tokens_to_ids<S, ST>(&self, tokens: S) -> Vec<i64> where
    S: AsRef<[ST]>,
    ST: AsRef<str>, 

Convert a slice of string-like to a vector ot token indices


  • tokens: list of token string-like to convert to ids


Vec<i64> with the token indices


use rust_tokenizers::tokenizer::{BaseTokenizer, Tokenizer};
use rust_tokenizers::vocab::BaseVocab;
let strip_accents = false;
let lower_case = false;
let tokenizer: BaseTokenizer<BaseVocab> =
    BaseTokenizer::from_file("path/to/vocab/file", lower_case, strip_accents).unwrap();

let tokens = ["Hello", ",", "world", "!"];
let token_ids = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(&tokens);

fn encode<S: AsRef<str>>(
    text_1: S,
    text_2: Option<S>,
    max_len: usize,
    truncation_strategy: &TruncationStrategy,
    stride: usize
) -> TokenizedInput

Encode a string-like (tokenization followed by encoding)


  • text_1: input text (string-like) to encode
  • text_2: optional additional input text (string-like) to encode. When provided, both texts are combined into a single encoding by using the build_input_with_special_tokens method.
  • max_len (usize): maximum combined sequence length. If the combined encoding would exceed this max_len, the encoding is truncated following the TruncationStrategy provided.
  • truncation_strategy (&TruncationStrategy): strategy to follow for the truncation, if required
  • stride (usize): amount of tokens to shift the input by if truncation is required (allowing for the generation of overlapping sequences with overflowing tokens)


TokenizedInput containing the encoding output (token indices, token types, segment ids, ovrflowing tokens and special token mask)


use rust_tokenizers::tokenizer::{BaseTokenizer, Tokenizer, TruncationStrategy};
use rust_tokenizers::vocab::BaseVocab;
let strip_accents = false;
let lower_case = false;
let tokenizer: BaseTokenizer<BaseVocab> =
    BaseTokenizer::from_file("path/to/vocab/file", lower_case, strip_accents).unwrap();

let text_1 = "Hello, world!";
let text_2 = "How is it going?";
let encoded_input = tokenizer.encode(

fn encode_list<S, ST>(
    text_list: S,
    max_len: usize,
    truncation_strategy: &TruncationStrategy,
    stride: usize
) -> Vec<TokenizedInput> where
    S: AsRef<[ST]>,
    ST: AsRef<str>, 

Encode a sequence of string-like texts (tokenization followed by encoding). Not that in contrast with encode optional second text, each text provided is encoded independently.


  • text_list: sequence of input text (&str) to encode combined into a single encoding by using the build_input_with_special_tokens method.
  • max_len (usize): maximum combined sequence length. If the combined encoding would exceed this max_len, the encoding is truncated following the TruncationStrategy provided.
  • truncation_strategy (&TruncationStrategy): strategy to follow for the truncation, if required
  • stride (usize): amount of tokens to shift the input by if truncation is required (allowing for the generation of overlapping sequences with overflowing tokens)


Vec<TokenizedInput> containing the encoding output (token indices, token types, segment ids, ovrflowing tokens and special token mask) for each provided text


use rust_tokenizers::tokenizer::{BaseTokenizer, Tokenizer, TruncationStrategy};
use rust_tokenizers::vocab::BaseVocab;
let strip_accents = false;
let lower_case = false;
let tokenizer: BaseTokenizer<BaseVocab> =
    BaseTokenizer::from_file("path/to/vocab/file", lower_case, strip_accents).unwrap();

let text_1 = "Hello, world!";
let text_2 = "How is it going?";
let text_3 = "Very well thank you.";
let encoded_input = tokenizer.encode_list(
    [text_1, text_2, text_3],

fn encode_pair_list<S, ST>(
    text_list: S,
    max_len: usize,
    truncation_strategy: &TruncationStrategy,
    stride: usize
) -> Vec<TokenizedInput> where
    S: AsRef<[(ST, ST)]>,
    ST: AsRef<str>, 

Encode a sequence of string-like text pairs (tokenization followed by encoding). This combines with encode with the list processing of encode_list.


  • text_list: sequence of input text (&str) to encode combined into a single encoding by using the build_input_with_special_tokens method.
  • max_len (usize): maximum combined sequence length. If the combined encoding would exceed this max_len, the encoding is truncated following the TruncationStrategy provided.
  • truncation_strategy (&TruncationStrategy): strategy to follow for the truncation, if required
  • stride (usize): amount of tokens to shift the input by if truncation is required (allowing for the generation of overlapping sequences with overflowing tokens)


Vec<TokenizedInput> containing the encoding output (token indices, token types, segment ids, ovrflowing tokens and special token mask) for each provided text


use rust_tokenizers::tokenizer::{BaseTokenizer, Tokenizer, TruncationStrategy};
use rust_tokenizers::vocab::BaseVocab;
let strip_accents = false;
let lower_case = false;
let tokenizer: BaseTokenizer<BaseVocab> =
    BaseTokenizer::from_file("path/to/vocab/file", lower_case, strip_accents).unwrap();

let text_1 = "Hello, world!";
let text_2 = "This is a second sentence";
let text_3 = "Very well thank you.";
let text_4 = "This is another second sentence.";
let encoded_input = tokenizer.encode_pair_list(
    [(text_1, text_2), (text_3, text_4)],

fn decode_to_vec(
    token_ids: Vec<i64>,
    skip_special_tokens: bool
) -> Vec<String>

Decode a sequence of token indices to a sequence of Strings, optionally skipping special indices


  • token_ids (Vec<i64>): tokens to decode
  • skip_special_tokens (bool): flag indicating if special tokens should be included in the output


Vec<String> decoded token indices


use rust_tokenizers::tokenizer::{BaseTokenizer, Tokenizer, TruncationStrategy};
use rust_tokenizers::vocab::BaseVocab;
let strip_accents = false;
let lower_case = false;
let tokenizer: BaseTokenizer<BaseVocab> =
    BaseTokenizer::from_file("path/to/vocab/file", lower_case, strip_accents).unwrap();

let tokens_ids = vec![0, 1, 2, 42];
let tokens = tokenizer.decode_to_vec(tokens_ids, false);

fn decode(
    token_ids: Vec<i64>,
    skip_special_tokens: bool,
    clean_up_tokenization_spaces: bool
) -> String

Converts a sequence of ids (integer) into a string, using the tokenizer and vocabulary with options to remove special tokens and clean up tokenization spaces.


  • token_ids: list of tokenized input ids. Can be obtained using the encode or encode_plus methods.
  • skip_special_tokens: if set to True, will replace special tokens.
  • clean_up_tokenization_spaces: if set to True, will clean up the tokenization spaces.


  • String: decoded sentence


use rust_tokenizers::tokenizer::{BaseTokenizer, Tokenizer, TruncationStrategy};
use rust_tokenizers::vocab::BaseVocab;
let strip_accents = false;
let lower_case = false;
let tokenizer: BaseTokenizer<BaseVocab> =
    BaseTokenizer::from_file("path/to/vocab/file", lower_case, strip_accents).unwrap();

let skip_special_tokens = true;
let clean_up_tokenization_spaces = true;
let tokens = vec![0, 1, 2, 42];
let decoded = tokenizer.decode(tokens, skip_special_tokens, clean_up_tokenization_spaces);

fn convert_tokens_to_string(&self, tokens: Vec<String>) -> String

Converts a sequence of strings into a single string. This will clean-up artifacts from tokenization (for example sub ##word) and generate a single output string


  • tokens: list of tokens to concatenate.


  • String: concatenated sentence string


use rust_tokenizers::tokenizer::{BaseTokenizer, Tokenizer, TruncationStrategy};
use rust_tokenizers::vocab::BaseVocab;
let strip_accents = false;
let lower_case = false;
let tokenizer: BaseTokenizer<BaseVocab> =
    BaseTokenizer::from_file("path/to/vocab/file", lower_case, strip_accents).unwrap();

let skip_special_tokens = true;
let clean_up_tokenization_spaces = true;
let tokens = vec![
let decoded = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_string(tokens);

fn clean_up_tokenization(&self, input_string: String) -> String

Cleans-up tokenization artifacts (for example whitespace before punctuation)


  • input_string (String): input string to clean up


  • String: clean-up string


use rust_tokenizers::tokenizer::{BaseTokenizer, Tokenizer, TruncationStrategy};
use rust_tokenizers::vocab::BaseVocab;
let strip_accents = false;
let lower_case = false;
let tokenizer: BaseTokenizer<BaseVocab> =
    BaseTokenizer::from_file("path/to/vocab/file", lower_case, strip_accents).unwrap();

let skip_special_tokens = true;
let clean_up_tokenization_spaces = true;
let input_string = "Hello . Do n't pay attention to the punctuation .".to_string();
let cleaned_string = tokenizer.clean_up_tokenization(input_string);

fn decode_list(
    token_ids_list: Vec<Vec<i64>>,
    skip_special_tokens: bool,
    clean_up_tokenization_spaces: bool
) -> Vec<String>

Converts a list of sequence of ids (integer) into a string, using the tokenizer and vocabulary with options to remove special tokens and clean up tokenization spaces. This calls decode for each provided sequence of ids


  • token_ids: list of list of tokenized input ids. Can be obtained using the encode or encode_plus methods.
  • skip_special_tokens: if set to True, will replace special tokens.
  • clean_up_tokenization_spaces: if set to True, will clean up the tokenization spaces.


  • String: decoded sentence


use rust_tokenizers::tokenizer::{BaseTokenizer, Tokenizer, TruncationStrategy};
use rust_tokenizers::vocab::BaseVocab;
let strip_accents = false;
let lower_case = false;
let tokenizer: BaseTokenizer<BaseVocab> =
    BaseTokenizer::from_file("path/to/vocab/file", lower_case, strip_accents).unwrap();

let skip_special_tokens = true;
let clean_up_tokenization_spaces = true;
let token_ids_list = vec![vec![0, 1, 2, 42], vec![99, 3]];
let decoded_list = tokenizer.decode_list(

fn build_input_with_special_tokens(
    tokens_ids_with_offsets_1: TokenIdsWithOffsets,
    tokens_ids_with_offsets_2: Option<TokenIdsWithOffsets>
) -> TokenIdsWithSpecialTokens

Build model inputs from a sequence or a pair of sequence for sequence classification tasks by concatenating and adding special tokens.

For example, a RoBERTa sequence has the following format:

  • single sequence: X
  • pair of sequences: A B


  • tokens_ids_with_offsets_1 (TokenIdsWithOffsets): first sequence
  • tokens_ids_with_offsets_2 (TokenIdsWithOffsets): (optional) second sequence


  • TokenIdsWithSpecialTokens containing a concatenation of both sequences with added special tokens


use rust_tokenizers::tokenizer::{BaseTokenizer, Tokenizer, TruncationStrategy};
use rust_tokenizers::vocab::BaseVocab;
use rust_tokenizers::TokenIdsWithOffsets;
let strip_accents = false;
let lower_case = false;
let tokenizer: BaseTokenizer<BaseVocab> =
    BaseTokenizer::from_file("path/to/vocab/file", lower_case, strip_accents).unwrap();

let skip_special_tokens = true;
let clean_up_tokenization_spaces = true;
let first_sequence = "Hello, world";
let second_sequence = "This is the second sentence";

let first_tokens = tokenizer.tokenize_with_offsets(first_sequence);
let first_ids = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(first_tokens.tokens);
let first_input = TokenIdsWithOffsets {
    ids: first_ids,
    offsets: first_tokens.offsets,
    reference_offsets: first_tokens.reference_offsets,
    masks: first_tokens.masks,

let second_tokens = tokenizer.tokenize_with_offsets(second_sequence);
let second_ids = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(second_tokens.tokens);
let second_input = TokenIdsWithOffsets {
    ids: second_ids,
    offsets: second_tokens.offsets,
    reference_offsets: second_tokens.reference_offsets,
    masks: second_tokens.masks,

let combined_with_special_tokens =
    tokenizer.build_input_with_special_tokens(first_input, Some(second_input));
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impl Tokenizer<AlbertVocab> for AlbertTokenizer[src]

impl Tokenizer<BertVocab> for BertTokenizer[src]

impl Tokenizer<Gpt2Vocab> for Gpt2Tokenizer[src]

impl Tokenizer<MarianVocab> for MarianTokenizer[src]

impl Tokenizer<OpenAiGptVocab> for CtrlTokenizer[src]

impl Tokenizer<OpenAiGptVocab> for OpenAiGptTokenizer[src]

impl Tokenizer<ReformerVocab> for ReformerTokenizer[src]

impl Tokenizer<RobertaVocab> for RobertaTokenizer[src]

impl Tokenizer<SentencePieceVocab> for SentencePieceTokenizer[src]

impl Tokenizer<T5Vocab> for T5Tokenizer[src]

impl Tokenizer<XLMRobertaVocab> for XLMRobertaTokenizer[src]

impl Tokenizer<XLNetVocab> for XLNetTokenizer[src]

impl<T: Vocab + Sync + Send> Tokenizer<T> for BaseTokenizer<T>[src]

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