Module rust2fun::monad

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A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what these means is that there must be two operations, pure and flat_map, and these two operations must satisfy three laws:

  1. Left identity: pure(x).flat_map(f) == f(x)
  2. Right identity: m.flat_map(pure) == m
  3. Associativity: m.flat_map(f).flat_map(g) == m.flat_map(|x| f(x).flat_map(g))

The first law says that if we take a value, put it in a default context with pure and then flat_map it with a function, we get the same result as just taking the value and applying the function to it.

The second law says that if we have a monad, we can flat_map it with the pure function and the result is our original monad.

The third law says that flat_map is associative. This may not be so obvious, but what it’s saying is that it doesn’t matter how we nest our flat_maps, the result is the same. In other words, the following two expressions are equivalent:

m.flat_map(|x| f(x).flat_map(g))

The first law is sometimes called the “unit law” and the second law is sometimes called the “morphism law”. The third law is sometimes called the “associativity law”.


use rust2fun::prelude::*;

fn get_user(id: u32) -> Option<User> {
    todo!("Get a user from a storage by id if it exists")

fn get_credit_card(user: User) -> Option<CreditCard> {
    todo!("Get a credit card of the user if it has one")

fn charge_credit_card(amount: u32, card: CreditCard) -> Option<Transaction> {
    todo!("Charge a credit card if it has enough money")

fn charge_user_card(amount: u32, user_id: u32) -> Option<Transaction> {
        .flat_map(|card| charge_credit_card(amount, card))

// Or using the `bind!` macro:
fn charge_user_card_alt(amount: u32, user_id: u32) -> Option<Transaction> {
    bind! {
        for user in get_user(user_id);
        for card in get_credit_card(user);
        return charge_credit_card(amount, card);
