Crate rust_uci

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Bindings to OpenWRT UCI

This crate provides a safe interface to OpenWRT’s Unified Configuration Interface C-Library.


Both UCI libraries and headers are required to build this crate. There are multiple options available to locate UCI.

§Inside OpenWRT SDK

If building inside the OpenWRT SDK with OpenWRT’s UCI package set the environment variable UCI_DIR=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr using the corresponding Makefile. rust-uci will automatically use the headers and libraries for the target system.


If no UCI_DIR variable is set, rust-uci will compile against the distributed libuci source files licensed under GPLv2.

§Example Usage

use rust_uci::Uci;

let mut uci = Uci::new()?;
// Get type of a section
assert_eq!(uci.get("network.wan")?, "interface");
// Get value of an option, UCI's extended syntax is supported
assert_eq!(uci.get("network.@interface[0].proto")?, "static");
assert_eq!(uci.get("network.lan.proto")?, "static");

// Create a new section
uci.set("network.newnet", "interface")?;
uci.set("network.newnet.proto", "static")?;
uci.set("network.newnet.ifname", "en0")?;
uci.set("network.newnet.enabled", "1")?;
uci.set("network.newnet.ipaddr", "")?;
uci.set("network.newnet.test", "123")?;
// IMPORTANT: Commit or revert the changes



  • Contains the native uci_context