Crate rust_strings

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§Rust Strings

rust-strings is a library to extract ascii strings from binary data. It is similar to the command strings.


use rust_strings::{FileConfig, BytesConfig, strings, dump_strings, Encoding};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};

let config = FileConfig::new(Path::new("/bin/ls")).with_min_length(5);
let extracted_strings = strings(&config);

// Extract utf16le strings
let config = FileConfig::new(Path::new("C:\\Windows\\notepad.exe"))
let extracted_strings = strings(&config);

// Extract ascii and utf16le strings
let config = FileConfig::new(Path::new("C:\\Windows\\notepad.exe"))
let extracted_strings = strings(&config);

let config = BytesConfig::new(b"test\x00".to_vec());
let extracted_strings = strings(&config);
assert_eq!(vec![(String::from("test"), 0)], extracted_strings.unwrap());

// Dump strings into `strings.json` file.
let config = BytesConfig::new(b"test\x00".to_vec());
dump_strings(&config, PathBuf::from("strings.json"));





  • Dump strings from binary data to json file.
  • Extract strings from binary data.