Crate rust_libretro

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pub use const_str;
pub use rust_libretro_proc as proc;
pub use rust_libretro_sys as sys;


This module contains abstractions of the libretro environment callbacks.
Provides the Core and CoreOptions traits.
The CoreWrapper is an internal data structure.
Unsafe functions related to the libretro environment callback. For safe versions have a look at the contexts module and the context types you get in your core callbacks.
logger 🔒
log::Log implementation using the libretro logging interface.
macros 🔒
Rust versions of libretro data structures.
Utility functions





TODO: Documentation
Tells the frontend which API version this Core implements.
Notifies the Core when audio data should be written.
Notifies the Core about the state of the frontend’s audio system.
TODO: Documentation
Notifies the Core when all cheats should be unapplied.
Called by the frontend whenever a cheat should be applied.
Notifies the Core when it is being closed and its resources should be freed.
TODO: Documentation
TODO: Documentation
TODO: Documentation
TODO: Documentation
TODO: Documentation
Returns a mutable pointer to queried memory type. Return std::ptr::null() in case this doesn’t apply to your Core.
Returns the size (in bytes) of the queried memory type. Return 0 in case this doesn’t apply to your Core.
TODO: Documentation
TODO: Documentation
Called when the frontend needs region information from the Core.
Provides audio/video timings and geometry info to the frontend.
Provides statically known system info to the frontend.
TODO: Documentation.
Initializes the Core.
If enabled by the Core, notifies it when a keyboard button has been pressed or released.
Called by the frontend when a game should be loaded.
Notifies the Core when the current game should be reset.
Runs the game for one frame.
Called by the frontend when the Cores state should be serialized (“save state”). This function should return false on error.
Called when the frontend needs to know how large a buffer to allocate for save states.
Provides the audio sample callback to the Core.
Provides the batched audio sample callback to the Core.
Sets the device type to be used for player port.
TODO: Documentation
Provides the environment callback to the Core.
TODO: Documentation
TODO: Documentation
Provides the input polling callback to the Core.
Provides the input state request callback to the Core.
Provides the frame drawing callback to the Core.
Notifies the Core when the currently loaded game should be unloaded. Called before retro_deinit.
Called by the frontend when a “save state” should be loaded. This function should return false on error.