Module rust_ipfs::repo

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Storage implementation(s) backing the crate::Ipfs.




  • Describes the outcome of BlockStore::put_block.
  • Describes the outcome of BlockStore::remove.
  • Describes the error variants for BlockStore::remove.
  • Errors variants describing the possible failures for Lock::try_exclusive.
  • PinKind is more specific pin description for writing purposes. Implements PartialEq<&PinMode>. Generic over Borrow<Cid> to allow storing both reference and owned value of Cid.
  • PinMode is the description of pin type for quering purposes.
  • Events used to communicate to the swarm on repo changes.


  • This API is being discussed and evolved, which will likely lead to breakage.
  • Generic layer of abstraction for a key-value data store.
  • A trait for describing repository locking.