macro_rules! _comment_ {
    () => { ... };
    ($lit:literal) => { ... };
This is supported on crate feature post_process only.
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A “marker” macro used to mark locations in the source code where comments should be inserted. If no parameter is given, a single blank comment is assumed, otherwise the string literal specified is broken into lines and those comments will be inserted individually.

It is important to understand this is NOT actually a macro that is executed. In fact, it is just here for documentation purposes. Instead, this works as a raw set of tokens in the source code that we match against verbatim. This means it cannot be renamed on import for example, and it MUST be invoked as _comment_!(, then an optional Rust str literal (regular or raw, not byte string), and then );.

Actually executing this macro has no effect and it is not meant to even be imported.