rust-embed 0.2.0

Generates rust code to embed resource files into your rust executable
rust-embed-0.2.0 is not a library.
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Rust Embed

Generates rust code to embed resource files into your rust executable


rust-embed v0.1.0
Generates rust code to embed resource files/folders at compile time into your library or executable

    rust-embed input_folder output_file

    input_folder   string is the path to the folder containing the assets.
    output_file    string is output filename.

    rust-embed src/public src/

You can use this to embed your css, js and images into a single executable.

This is similar to go-bindata.

This is similar to pony-embed.


This is not the same as std macros, include_bytes! include_str! these are macros which generate code at compile time whereas rust-embed generates code when the command is run. And rust-embed works only on folders.


cargo install rust-embed


It exposes a function to serve all files stored in your assets folder which is useful for webservers. So now you can statically compile all your assets i.e. your /static/ or /public/ folders into the rust executable and serve them. So now you don't need to package your assets with your executable.

assets::get(path: str) -> Result<&[u8], &str>
// This will return the data for the file specified by the file path or an error if it cannot be found.

assets::list() -> Vec<&'static str>
// This will return the list of all files which were included


A simple http server which serves its resources directly.

To compile the assets for the examples, rust-embed examples/public/ examples/

To run the examples, cargo run --example http

extern crate hyper;
use hyper::Server;
use hyper::server::Request;
use hyper::server::Response;
use hyper::net::Fresh;

mod assets;

fn handle_index(_: Request, res: Response<Fresh>) {
    // or
    // res.send(assets::get("examples/public/index.html").unwrap()).unwrap();

fn main() {
  println!("Server running on");

Go Rusketeers! The power is yours!


rewrite this to use compiler plugins and macro so that we can use that instead