Struct rust_3d::SearchableMesh [] [src]

pub struct SearchableMesh<'a, T> { /* fields omitted */ }

SearchableMesh, transforms IsMesh to IsSearchableMesh


impl<'a, T> SearchableMesh<'a, T>

Creates a new SearchableMesh3D from an IsMesh3D This only stays valid if IMesh3D is not changed after creation The mesh must be manifold (@todo ensure via types?)

Fails if the vertex ID is out of bounds

Trait Implementations

impl<'a, T> IsMesh<T, Face3> for SearchableMesh<'a, T>

Should return the number of faces within the mesh

Should return the number of vertices within the mesh

Should return the ids of vertices of the given face

Should return the vertices of the given face

Should return the vertex with the given id

impl<'a, T> IsSearchableMesh<T, Face3> for SearchableMesh<'a, T>

Returns the number of edges within the mesh

Should return the edge ids of the given face. Error if id invalid

Should return the edges originating at the given vertex (pointing away / having the vertex as tail). Error if id invalid

Should return the edges ending at the given vertex (pointing to / having the vertex as head). Error if id invalid

Should return the edges connecting with the vertex. Error if id invalid

Should return the vertex id of the edge's tail. Error if id invalid

Should return the vertex id of the edge's head. Error if id invalid

Should return the edge id of the next edge. Error if id invalid

Should return the edge id of the previous edge. Error if id invalid

Should return the edge id of the twin edge. Error if id invalid, None if there is none

Should return the face id of the edges face. Error if id invalid

Returns faces a vertex is part of. Error if id invalid

Returns the neighbouring faces of the given face which share the same edges. Error if id invalid

Returns the neighbouring faces of the given face which share the same vertices. Error if id invalid