Crate russell_sparse

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Russell - Rust Scientific Library

russell_sparse: Solvers for large sparse linear systems (wraps MUMPS and UMFPACK)

Important: This crate depends on external libraries (non-Rust). Thus, please check the Installation Instructions on the GitHub Repository.


This crate implements three storage formats for sparse matrices (see the figure below):

  • NumCooMatrix (COO) – COOrdinates matrix, also known as a sparse triplet.
  • NumCscMatrix (CSC) – Compressed Sparse Column matrix
  • NumCsrMatrix (CSR) – Compressed Sparse Row matrix


Additionally, to unify the handling of the above data structures, the library implements:

  • NumSparseMatrix – Either a COO, CSC, or CSR matrix. We recommend using NumSparseMatrix solely, if possible.

For convenience, this crate defines the following type aliases for Real and Complex matrices (with double precision):

The COO matrix is the best when we need to update the values of the matrix because it has easy access to the triples (i, j, aij). For instance, the repetitive access is the primary use case for codes based on the finite element method (FEM) for approximating partial differential equations. Moreover, the COO matrix allows storing duplicate entries; for example, the triple (0, 0, 123.0) can be stored as two triples (0, 0, 100.0) and (0, 0, 23.0). Again, this is the primary need for FEM codes because of the so-called assembly process where elements add to the same positions in the “global stiffness” matrix. Nonetheless, the duplicate entries must be summed up at some stage for the linear solver (e.g., MUMPS, UMFPACK). These linear solvers also use the more memory-efficient storage formats CSC and CSR. The following is the default input for these solvers:

  • MUMPS – requires a COO matrix as input internally
  • UMFPACK – requires a CSC matrix as input internally

Nonetheless, the implemented interface to the above linear solvers takes a SparseMatrix as input, which will automatically be converted from COO to CSC or COO to CSR, as appropriate.

The best way to use a COO matrix is to initialize it with the maximum possible number of non-zero values and repetitively call the CooMatrix::put() function to insert triples (i, j, aij) into the data structure. This procedure is computationally efficient. Later, we can create a Compressed Sparse Column (CSC) or a Compressed Sparse Row (CSC) matrix from the COO matrix. The CSC and CSR will sum up any duplicates in the COO matrix during the conversion process. To reinitialize the counter for “putting” entries into the triplet structure, we can call the CooMatrix::reset() function (e.g., to recreate the global stiffness matrix in FEM simulations).

The three individual sparse matrix structures (CooMatrix, CscMatrix, and CsrMatrix) and the wrapping (unifying) structure SparseMatrix have functions to calculate the (sparse) matrix-vector product, which, albeit not computer optimized, are convenient for checking the solution to the linear problem A * x = b (see also the VerifyLinSys structure).

We recommend using the SparseMatrix directly unless your computations need a more specialized interaction with the CSC or CSR formats. Also, the SparseMatrix returns “pointers” to the CSC and CSR structures (constant access and mutable access).

We call the actual linear system solver implementation Genie because they work like “magic” after being “wrapped” via a C-interface. Note that these fantastic solvers are implemented in Fortran and C. You may easily access the linear solvers directly via the following structures:

  • [SolverMUMPS] – thin wrapper to the MUMPS solver
  • SolverUMFPACK – thin wrapper to the UMFPACK solver

This library also provides a unifying Trait called LinSolTrait, which the above structures implement. In addition, the LinSolver structure holds a “pointer” to one of the above structures and is a more convenient way to use the linear solvers in generic codes when we need to switch from solver to solver (e.g., for benchmarking). After allocating a LinSolver, if needed, we can access the actual implementations (interfaces/thin wrappers) via the LinSolver::actual data member.

The LinSolTrait has two main functions (that should be called in this order):

  • LinSolTrait::factorize() – performs the initialization of the linear solver, if needed, analysis, and symbolic and numerical factorization of the coefficient matrix A from A * x = b
  • LinSolTrait::solve() – find x from the linear system A * x = b after completing the factorization.

If the structure of the coefficient matrix remains constant, but its values change during a simulation, we can repeatedly call factorize again to perform the factorization. However, if the structure changes, the solver must be dropped and another solver allocated to force the initialization process.

We call the structure of the coefficient matrix A from A * x = b the set with the following characteristics:

  • nrow – number of rows
  • ncol – number of columns
  • nnz – number of non-zero values
  • symmetry – symmetry type
  • the locations of the non-zero values

If neither the structure nor the values of the coefficient matrix change, we can call solve repeatedly if needed (e.g., in a simulation of linear dynamics using the FEM).

The linear solvers have numerous configuration parameters; however, we can use the default parameters initially. The configuration parameters are collected in the LinSolParams structures, which is an input to the LinSolTrait::factorize(). The parameters include options such as Ordering and Scaling.

This library also provides functions to read and write Matrix Market files containing (huge) sparse matrices that can be used in performance benchmarking or other studies. The read_matrix_market() function reads a Matrix Market file and returns a CooMatrix. To write a Matrix Market file, we can use CscMatrix::write_matrix_market() (and similar), which automatically converts COO to CSC or COO to CSR, also performing the sum of duplicates. The write_matrix_market can also writs an SMAT file (almost like the Matrix Market format) without the header and with zero-based indices. The SMAT file can be given to the fantastic Vismatrix tool to visualize the sparse matrix structure and values interactively; see the example below.



§Create CSR matrix from COO

use russell_sparse::prelude::*;
use russell_sparse::StrError;

fn main() -> Result<(), StrError> {
    // allocate a square matrix and store as COO matrix
    // ┌          ┐
    // │  1  0  2 │
    // │  0  0  3 │
    // │  4  5  6 │
    // └          ┘
    let (nrow, ncol, nnz) = (3, 3, 6);
    let mut coo = CooMatrix::new(nrow, ncol, nnz, Sym::No)?;
    coo.put(0, 0, 1.0)?;
    coo.put(0, 2, 2.0)?;
    coo.put(1, 2, 3.0)?;
    coo.put(2, 0, 4.0)?;
    coo.put(2, 1, 5.0)?;
    coo.put(2, 2, 6.0)?;

    // convert to CCR matrix
    let csc = CscMatrix::from_coo(&coo)?;
    let correct_v = &[
        //                               p
        1.0, 4.0, //      j = 0, count = 0, 1
        5.0, //           j = 1, count = 2
        2.0, 3.0, 6.0, // j = 2, count = 3, 4, 5
             //                  count = 6
    let correct_i = &[
        //                         p
        0, 2, //    j = 0, count = 0, 1
        2, //       j = 1, count = 2
        0, 1, 2, // j = 2, count = 3, 4, 5
           //              count = 6
    let correct_p = &[0, 2, 3, 6];

    // check
    assert_eq!(csc.get_col_pointers(), correct_p);
    assert_eq!(csc.get_row_indices(), correct_i);
    assert_eq!(csc.get_values(), correct_v);

§Solving a tiny sparse linear system using LinSolver (Umfpack)

use russell_lab::{vec_approx_eq, Vector};
use russell_sparse::prelude::*;
use russell_sparse::StrError;

fn main() -> Result<(), StrError> {
    // constants
    let ndim = 3; // number of rows = number of columns
    let nnz = 5; // number of non-zero values

    // allocate the linear solver
    let mut solver = LinSolver::new(Genie::Umfpack)?;

    // allocate the coefficient matrix
    let mut coo = SparseMatrix::new_coo(ndim, ndim, nnz, Sym::No)?;
    coo.put(0, 0, 0.2)?;
    coo.put(0, 1, 0.2)?;
    coo.put(1, 0, 0.5)?;
    coo.put(1, 1, -0.25)?;
    coo.put(2, 2, 0.25)?;

    // print matrix
    let mut a = coo.as_dense();
    let correct = "┌                   ┐\n\
                   │   0.2   0.2     0 │\n\
                   │   0.5 -0.25     0 │\n\
                   │     0     0  0.25 │\n\
                   └                   ┘";
    assert_eq!(format!("{}", a), correct);

    // call factorize
    solver.actual.factorize(&mut coo, None)?;

    // allocate two right-hand side vectors
    let rhs1 = Vector::from(&[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]);
    let rhs2 = Vector::from(&[2.0, 2.0, 2.0]);

    // calculate the solution
    let mut x1 = Vector::new(ndim);
    solver.actual.solve(&mut x1, &coo, &rhs1, false)?;
    let correct = vec![3.0, 2.0, 4.0];
    vec_approx_eq(&x1, &correct, 1e-14);

    // calculate the solution again
    let mut x2 = Vector::new(ndim);
    solver.actual.solve(&mut x2, &coo, &rhs2, false)?;
    let correct = vec![6.0, 4.0, 8.0];
    vec_approx_eq(&x2, &correct, 1e-14);

§Solving a tiny sparse linear system using SolverUMFPACK

use russell_lab::{vec_approx_eq, Vector};
use russell_sparse::prelude::*;
use russell_sparse::StrError;

fn main() -> Result<(), StrError> {
    // constants
    let ndim = 5; // number of rows = number of columns
    let nnz = 13; // number of non-zero values, including duplicates

    // allocate solver
    let mut umfpack = SolverUMFPACK::new()?;

    // allocate the coefficient matrix
    //  2  3  .  .  .
    //  3  .  4  .  6
    //  . -1 -3  2  .
    //  .  .  1  .  .
    //  .  4  2  .  1
    let mut coo = SparseMatrix::new_coo(ndim, ndim, nnz, Sym::No)?;
    coo.put(0, 0, 1.0)?; // << (0, 0, a00/2) duplicate
    coo.put(0, 0, 1.0)?; // << (0, 0, a00/2) duplicate
    coo.put(1, 0, 3.0)?;
    coo.put(0, 1, 3.0)?;
    coo.put(2, 1, -1.0)?;
    coo.put(4, 1, 4.0)?;
    coo.put(1, 2, 4.0)?;
    coo.put(2, 2, -3.0)?;
    coo.put(3, 2, 1.0)?;
    coo.put(4, 2, 2.0)?;
    coo.put(2, 3, 2.0)?;
    coo.put(1, 4, 6.0)?;
    coo.put(4, 4, 1.0)?;

    // parameters
    let mut params = LinSolParams::new();
    params.verbose = false;
    params.compute_determinant = true;

    // call factorize
    umfpack.factorize(&mut coo, Some(params))?;

    // allocate x and rhs
    let mut x = Vector::new(ndim);
    let rhs = Vector::from(&[8.0, 45.0, -3.0, 3.0, 19.0]);

    // calculate the solution
    umfpack.solve(&mut x, &coo, &rhs, false)?;
    println!("x =\n{}", x);

    // check the results
    let correct = vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0];
    vec_approx_eq(&x, &correct, 1e-14);

    // analysis
    let mut stats = StatsLinSol::new();
    umfpack.update_stats(&mut stats);
    let (mx, ex) = (stats.determinant.mantissa_real, stats.determinant.exponent);
    println!("det(a) = {:?}", mx * f64::powf(10.0, ex));
    println!("rcond  = {:?}", stats.output.umfpack_rcond_estimate);


  • Makes available common structures and functions to perform computations



  • Specifies the underlying library that does all the magic
  • Holds options to handle a MatrixMarket when the matrix is specified as being symmetric
  • Ordering option
  • Scaling option
  • Specifies the type of matrix symmetry



Type Aliases§