ruspiro-timer 0.6.0

This crates provides simple timing functions to pause the current processing for a specific amount of time. The core pausing is called on will block. failed to build ruspiro-timer-0.6.0
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Visit the last successful build: ruspiro-timer-0.3.0

Timer RusPiRo crate

This crate provides simple functions to pause execution on the current core for a given amount of time. It uses the free-running counter of the Raspberry Pi to provide micro second accurate pause timings.

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Feature Description
pi3 active to use the proper timer MMIO base memory address for Raspberry Pi 3 when accessing the system timer peripheral
pi4_low active to use the proper timer MMIO base memory address for Raspberry Pi 4 in Low-Peripheral mode when accessing the system timer peripheral
pi4_high active to use the proper timer MMIO base memory address for Raspberry Pi 4 in High-Peripheral mode when accessing the system timer peripheral


To use the crate just add the following dependency to your Cargo.toml file:

ruspiro-timer = "0.6.0"

Once done the access to the timer functions is available in your rust files like so:

use rusprio_timer::*;

fn foo() {
    sleep(Duration::from_millis(1)); // pause for 1 millisecond
    sleepcycles(200); // pause for 200 CPU cycles

Scheduling the execution of a function/closure is as simple as this:

use ruspiro_timer::*;

fn foo() {
    // print after 100 milliseconds
    schedule(Duration:from_millis(100), || println!("delayed execution"));


Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or or MIT (LICENSE-MIT or at your choice.