ruspiro-register 0.5.3

The crate provides the definitions to conviniently work with register field values that are typically presented by a set of bit fields. failed to build ruspiro-register-0.5.3
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RusPiRo Register

The crate provides the definitions to conviniently work with register field values that are typically presented by a set of bit fields.

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To use this crate simply add the dependency to your Cargo.toml file:

ruspiro-register = "0.5.3"

A single register field is specified with its bit mask and the bit shift. The RegisterField structure can be instantiated for the types u8, u16, u32 and u64.

use ruspiro_register::*;

fn main() {
    let field = RegisterField::<u32>::new(0x3, 6);

To represent a specific value of a register field the RegisterFieldValue structure is used. It is available for the same scalar types as the RegisterField: u8, u16, u32 and u64.

use ruspiro_register::*;

fn main() {
    let field = RegisterField::<u8>::new(0x3, 2);
    // the value to the regsiter field will be shifted and masked internally
    // so it will be provided without any shifting
    let value = RegisterFieldValue::<u8>::new(field, 0b10);
    println!("{:?}", value);

The register field value printed will look like this then:

RegisterFieldValue { field: RegisterField {
    Bits: [3:2]
    Mask: 0b1100
}, value: 2, raw_value: 8 }

It is quite unlikely those definitions will be directly used as the represantation of a full register with all its fields. Typically macros will be used to reduce the complexity of the register definitions. Examples can be found in the ruspiro-mmio-register and the ruspiro-arch-aarch64 crates.


Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or or MIT (LICENSE-MIT or at your choice.