ruspiro-register 0.5.0

The crate provides the definitions to conviniently work with register field values that are typically presented by a set of bit fields.

RusPiRo Register

The crate provides the definitions to conviniently work with register field values that are typically presented by a set of bit fields.

Travis-CI Status Latest Version Documentation License


To use this crate simply add the dependency to your Cargo.toml file:

ruspiro-register = "0.5.0"

A single register field is specified with its bit mask and the bit shift. The RegisterField structure can be instantiated for the types u8, u16, u32 and u64.

use ruspiro_register::*;

fn main() {
    let field = RegisterField::<u32>::new(0x3, 6);

To represent a specific value of a register field the RegisterFieldValue structure is used. It is available for the same scalar types as the RegisterField: u8, u16, u32 and u64.

use ruspiro_register::*;

fn main() {
    let field = RegisterField::<u8>::new(0x3, 2);
    // the value to the regsiter field will be shifted and masked internally
    // so it will be provided without any shifting
    let value = RegisterFieldValue::<u8>::new(field, 0b10);
    println!("{:?}", value);

The register field value printed will look like this then:

RegisterFieldValue { field: RegisterField {
    Bits: [3:2]
    Mask: 0b1100
}, value: 2, raw_value: 8 }

It is quite unlikely those definitions will be directly used as the represantation of a full register with its fields depends on the type of the register and the implementation of the functions to modify the register contents.

Typically macros will be used to reduce the complexity of the register definitions. Examples can be seen in the ruspiro-mmio-register and the ruspiro-arch-aarch64 crates.


Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or or MIT (LICENSE-MIT or at your choice.