[][src]Crate ruspiro_console

Console abstraction

This crate provides a console abstraction to enable string output to a configurable output channel. It also provides the convinient macros (print! and println!) to output text that are usually not available in [no_std] environments. However this crate also provide macros to indicate the severity of the message that shall be printed. Those are info!, warn! and error!.


This crate uses macros to provide formatted strings. This formatting requires a memory allocator to be present (as part of the alloc crate). So when using this crate provide an allocator such as ruspiro_allocator.


To actually set an active output channel you need to provide a structure that implements the core::fmt::Write trait.

If this trait has been implemented this structure can be used as actual console. To use it there should be the following code written at the earliest possible point in the main crate of the binary (e.g. the kernel)

This example is not tested
use ruspiro_console::*;
use ruspiro_uart::*; // as we demonstrate with the Uart as output device/channel.

fn main() {
    let mut uart = Uart1::new(); // create a new uart struct
    if uart.initialize(250_000_000, 115_200).is_ok() { // initialize the Uart with fixed core rate and baud rate
        CONSOLE.with_mut(|cons| cons.replace(uart)); // from this point CONSOLE takes ownership of uart

    // if everything went fine uart should be assigned to the console for generic output
    println!("Console is ready and display's through uart");


pub extern crate alloc;
pub use macros::*;



Convinient output macros to print formatted strings to the configured channel of the console



This macro prefixes the output with "E: <module-path> -". Other than this it works like the std::println!


This macro prefixes the output with "I: <module-path> -". Other than this it works like the std::println!


This macro works like the std::print! one.


This macro works like the std::println! one


This macro prefixes the output with "W: <module-path> -". Other than this it works like the std::println!



The representation of the abstract console



The Console singleton used by print! and println! macros