[][src]Function rusp::usp_generator::usp_add_request

pub fn usp_add_request<'a, S: AsRef<str>, V: AsRef<[(S, S, bool)]>>(
    allow_partial: bool,
    args: &'a [(S, V)]
) -> Body<'a>

Generates a body of a USP Msg with a USP Add request


  • allow_partial - A boolean indicating whether partial execution of the Set command is permitted
  • args - An array of tuples consisting of an object path and a arrow of tuples consisting of parametername, value and required flag to put into the Set request


use rusp::usp_generator::usp_add_request;
let req = usp_add_request(true, &[("Device.DeviceInfo.", &[("ProvisioningCode", "configured", true)])]);