Crate rusoto_mediatailor[][src]

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Use the AWS Elemental MediaTailor SDKs and CLI to configure scalable ad insertion and linear channels. With MediaTailor, you can assemble existing content into a linear stream and serve targeted ads to viewers while maintaining broadcast quality in over-the-top (OTT) video applications. For information about using the service, including detailed information about the settings covered in this guide, see the AWS Elemental MediaTailor User Guide.

Through the SDKs and the CLI you manage AWS Elemental MediaTailor configurations and channels the same as you do through the console. For example, you specify ad insertion behavior and mapping information for the origin server and the ad decision server (ADS).

If you’re using the service, you’re probably looking for MediaTailorClient and MediaTailor.


Access configuration parameters.

Ad break configuration parameters.

For HLS, when set to true, MediaTailor passes through EXT-X-CUE-IN, EXT-X-CUE-OUT, and EXT-X-SPLICEPOINT-SCTE35 ad markers from the origin manifest to the MediaTailor personalized manifest.

No logic is applied to these ad markers. For example, if EXT-X-CUE-OUT has a value of 60, but no ads are filled for that ad break, MediaTailor will not set the value to 0.

The configuration for avail suppression, also known as ad suppression. For more information about ad suppression, see Ad Suppression.

The configuration for bumpers. Bumpers are short audio or video clips that play at the start or before the end of an ad break. To learn more about bumpers, see Bumpers.

The configuration for using a content delivery network (CDN), like Amazon CloudFront, for content and ad segment management.

The configuration parameters for a channel.

The configuration for DASH content.

The configuration for DASH PUT operations.

Dash manifest configuration parameters.

The optional configuration for a server that serves segments. Use this if you want the segment delivery server to be different from the source location server. For example, you can configure your source location server to be an origination server, such as MediaPackage, and the segment delivery server to be a content delivery network (CDN), such as CloudFront. If you don't specify a segment delivery server, then the source location server is used.

The configuration for HLS content.

HLS playlist configuration parameters.

The HTTP configuration for the source location.

The HTTP package configuration properties for the requested VOD source.

The configuration for pre-roll ad insertion.

The configuration for manifest processing rules. Manifest processing rules enable customization of the personalized manifests created by MediaTailor.

A client for the MediaTailor API.

Creates a playback configuration. For information about MediaTailor configurations, see Working with configurations in AWS Elemental MediaTailor.

The ouput configuration for this channel.

This response includes only the "property" : "type" property.

The schedule's ad break properties.

Schedule configuration parameters. A channel must be stopped before changes can be made to the schedule.

The properties for a schedule.

AWS Secrets Manager access token configuration parameters. For information about Secrets Manager access token authentication, see Working with AWS Secrets Manager access token authentication.

Slate VOD source configuration.

This response includes only the "type" : "object" property.

Splice insert message configuration.

Program transition configuration.

VOD source configuration parameters.


Errors returned by CreateChannel

Errors returned by CreateProgram

Errors returned by CreateSourceLocation

Errors returned by CreateVodSource

Errors returned by DeleteChannel

Errors returned by DeleteChannelPolicy

Errors returned by DeletePlaybackConfiguration

Errors returned by DeleteProgram

Errors returned by DeleteSourceLocation

Errors returned by DeleteVodSource

Errors returned by DescribeChannel

Errors returned by DescribeProgram

Errors returned by DescribeSourceLocation

Errors returned by DescribeVodSource

Errors returned by GetChannelPolicy

Errors returned by GetChannelSchedule

Errors returned by GetPlaybackConfiguration

Errors returned by ListChannels

Errors returned by ListPlaybackConfigurations

Errors returned by ListSourceLocations

Errors returned by ListTagsForResource

Errors returned by ListVodSources

Errors returned by PutChannelPolicy

Errors returned by PutPlaybackConfiguration

Errors returned by StartChannel

Errors returned by StopChannel

Errors returned by TagResource

Errors returned by UntagResource

Errors returned by UpdateChannel

Errors returned by UpdateSourceLocation

Errors returned by UpdateVodSource


Trait representing the capabilities of the MediaTailor API. MediaTailor clients implement this trait.